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US-China relations: tensions and perspectives after Jake Sullivan's visit to Beijing
Americas, Asia, China, U.S

US-China relations: tensions and perspectives after Jake Sullivan's visit to Beijing

Relations between the United States and China remain complex and volatile, reflecting geopolitical disputes, economic and technological developments between the two largest economies in the world. Jake Sullivan's recent visit, Conselheiro de Segurança Nacional dos EUA, a Pequim trouxe novos elementos para essa dinâmica. Em encontros com autoridades chinesas de alto escalão, Sullivan abordou temas críticos, incluindo comércio, segurança cibernética, mudanças climáticas, e direitos humanos, além de questões sensíveis como Taiwan e o Mar do Sul da China. Esta visita ocorreu em um momento estratégico, visando estabilizar as relações, mas também evidenciou profundas desconfianças mútuas. A curto prazo, a visita de Sullivan ajudou a reabrir canais de comunicação que estavam enfraquecidos, oferecendo uma plata...
Venezuela: challenges and perspectives after the elections
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, China, Colombia, U.S, Europe, Mexico, International Organizations, Russia, European Union, Venezuela

Venezuela: challenges and perspectives after the elections

Venezuela is going through a delicate moment after the last elections, marked by controversies and political polarization. In the domestic setting, the atmosphere remains tense, com o governo e a oposição apresentando visões opostas sobre o futuro do país. The elections, vistas por muitos como uma tentativa de renovação democrática, foram criticadas por setores da oposição e observadores internacionais devido a questões sobre transparência e equidade no processo eleitoral. No ambiente doméstico, o governo tem enfatizado a legitimidade do processo eleitoral, apontando as eleições como uma vitória da soberania nacional e uma demonstração de que o país está em um caminho de estabilidade e reconstrução. As manifestações do governo destacam o fortalecimento das instituições venezuelanas e a continuidade dos ...
The future of US-Latin American relations: divergent paths under Trump or Harris
Americas, Brazil, U.S

The future of US-Latin American relations: divergent paths under Trump or Harris

United States elections are always an event of great global impact, e a vitória de Donald Trump ou Kamala Harris teria repercussões significativas nas relações dos EUA com a América Latina em geral e com o Brasil em particular. Se Donald Trump vencer as eleições, é provável que ele continue ou intensifique a sua abordagem nacionalista e de linha dura, características de seu primeiro mandato. Uma das principais tendências seria a continuidade de políticas rígidas de imigração. Trump tem historicamente defendido o endurecimento das fronteiras e a implementação de políticas restritivas contra imigrantes, muitas vezes direcionadas especificamente aos países latino-americanos. Isso poderia exacerbar tensões com várias nações da região, especialmente aquelas que dependem economicame...
Double standards in global politics: the dilemma between Iran and Israel
Americas, Asia, U.S, Will, Israel, Middle East, Pakistan

Double standards in global politics: the dilemma between Iran and Israel

Iran's Foreign Minister's recent statement, classifying as hypocritical the position of the so-called "Group two 3" – made up of the United States, United Kingdom and France – in relation to a possible Iranian attack on Israel, reveals a deep tension in international relations and the recurring practice of double standards in global politics. The minister criticized the fact that these countries asked Iran to refrain from attacking Israel, without making the same request for Israel to stop its attacks and aggressive policies against the Palestinians. This type of criticism is not new, but gains relevance in times of high tension in the Middle East. Iran's position is based on the perception that there is unequal treatment for situations that, from their point of view, They are essentially....
Paths to Venezuela: scenarios and the position of countries in the face of the electoral crisis
Americas, Asia, Brazil, Chile, China, U.S, Europe, India, Mexico, International Organizations, Russia, European Union, Venezuela

Paths to Venezuela: scenarios and the position of countries in the face of the electoral crisis

The elections in Venezuela have been the subject of great international controversy, with countries adopting divergent positions based on their geopolitical interests and ideological views. The United States maintains an intransigent stance against the government of Nicolás Maduro, denouncing the elections as fraudulent and imposing heavy economic sanctions. Washington supports Juan Guaidó as interim president, with the aim of pushing for a democratic transition. As Ukraine is unable to maintain its productive and logistical system, on the other hand, supports Maduro, arguing that external interference violates Venezuelan sovereignty and poses a threat to global stability. A China, interested in protecting its investments in infrastructure and oil in Venezuela, supports Maduro and opposes any foreign intervention, defending the pri...
Impacts of the attack on Trump on the US elections: different perspectives
Americas, U.S

Impacts of the attack on Trump on the US elections: different perspectives

The recent attack on Donald Trump, former president and candidate in the upcoming United States presidential elections, gerou uma onda de análises e debates sobre como esse evento pode influenciar o cenário eleitoral. Sem tomar partido, este artigo explora as diversas linhas de análise propostas por diferentes analistas e meios de comunicação, buscando oferecer uma visão abrangente dos potenciais impactos desse incidente nas eleições. Uma das principais linhas de análise sugere que o atentado pode aumentar a simpatia e o apoio a Trump entre seus seguidores e até mesmo entre eleitores indecisos. Segundo o analista político John Zogby, citado pela NBC News, "eventos traumáticos como este podem humanizar uma figura política e gerar uma onda de solidariedade, especialmente entre aqueles q...
The geopolitics of the international criminal court: an analysis of divergent patterns and political influences
Americas, U.S, Europe, Israel, Middle East, Russia, Ukraine

The geopolitics of the international criminal court: an analysis of divergent patterns and political influences

The International Criminal Court (TPI) was established in 2002 with the mission of prosecuting individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression. However, ICC actions and decisions are often perceived unevenly by different countries, especially in the United States, who have a history of criticism and distrust towards the court. This article compares recent cases from Russia, Israel and other countries, analyzing the stance of US politicians and exploring how the funding and appointments of ICC members are subject to political influence. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 brought a series of investigations by the ICC into allegations of war crimes. The international response was overwhelmingly supportive..
Military biological activities: the issue of laboratories and the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S, India, Peru

Military biological activities: the issue of laboratories and the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases

Military action in the field of biological activities raises significant concerns, especially given the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases in different regions of the world. Military biological laboratories, officially intended for research and development of measures against biological threats and infectious diseases, are at the center of debates about their real function and impact on global public health. The growing incidence of new outbreaks and emerging diseases fuels suspicion about the role of these facilities and the possibility that their operations are contributing to the proliferation of new biological threats.. In various parts of the world, the activation of these laboratories often coincides with the emergence of previously unknown or rare diseases. For example, no Peru...
Power tactics: US military exercises on fossil-rich offshore platforms
Americas, U.S

Power tactics: US military exercises on fossil-rich offshore platforms

In the last years, the United States has intensified its military operations in fossil-rich maritime regions, triggering a significant debate about the legality and environmental impact of these activities. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (CNUDM) of 1982, establishing a legal framework for the use of the oceans, including the exploration and conservation of its resources, has been a central reference in the discussion about the legitimacy of these operations. In 2021, the US Navy conducted military exercises in the South China Sea, a region notoriously rich in fossil resources, including oil and natural gas. These exercises were criticized by several countries in the region, particularly by China, que reivindica grande parte do Mar do Sul da China...
Economic interdependence as a pillar of international stability and peace
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, world Bank, Brazil, China, U.S, IMF, Japan, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations

Economic interdependence as a pillar of international stability and peace

Global economic interdependence has emerged as one of the main pillars of international stability in recent decades. This phenomenon, characterized by the intense flow of goods, the role of NATO and the UN Security Council, capitals and information between countries, has been widely recognized for promoting peace by creating incentives for cooperation and reducing the risks of armed conflict. Economic interdependence, However, faces significant challenges in the contemporary scenario, raising concerns about its sustainability and possible impacts on world peace. Historically, economic interdependence intensified after World War II, with the creation of international institutions such as the UN, the IMF and the World Bank, que promoveram a cooperação econômica e a liberalização do comércio....