ISSN 2674-8053

Climate change and EU funding

Article written by Luiza Minuci and Patrizia Setton

During COP26, Climate change and EU funding, Climate change and EU funding 2021, Or secularism us United States, the European Union took the decision to increase funding to combat climate change to 168,7 billions of euros. since september, the EU planned to raise the issue in Glasgow, since the rich countries, which they promised in 2009 to supply 100 billions of dollars annually from climate finance, To this day, they have not kept their promises..

During a meeting on the day 15 of september of this year, the European bloc appealed to the United States, to commit together to financially help the poorest countries to deal with climate issues. “But we hope that the United States and our partners will also step forward.. this is vital, why close the climate finance gap together, with USA and European Union, would be a strong signal for global climate leadership”, this Ursula von der Leyen. On the same day, the president of the European Commission announced that the international organization would already increase, up until 2027, its funding of four billion euros aimed at vulnerable countries to deal with the climate crisis, amount from the EU budget. Thereby, European funding would reach almost 30 billions of dollars.

In October, the European Union announced that it would put pressure on developed countries beyond funding, encouraging them to reduce their carbon emissions, citing the root cause of the climate crisis for the first time at a UN meeting, and to pay attention to the impacts of climate change. In this speech, countries like China, India and the United States pledged to phase out fossil fuels, although the promise was shaken by a last-minute deal between the US and China, respectively the largest producer and the largest consumer of fossil fuels. despite the agreement, the commitment still goes on, even if it passed “phasing out” for “tapering off” of carbon emission.

At COP26, the answer to poor countries, which are most affected by climate change, was not the most positive, mainly in relation to the fear expressed by Europeans and Americans about the establishment of a financing mechanism. Several African and undeveloped countries were dissatisfied with the position, with emphasis on the Somali Minister of the Environment, who made a special request to these powers that “provide all their diplomatic and financial support” in supporting Africa in adapting to change. The Tuvalu archipelago, who supported the Somali, highlighted the importance of the topic and reminded everyone that it is sinking.

The vulnerability presented by these countries caused an impasse in the rich countries, who are already reluctant to give money voluntarily, a mostly American position, but with the support of the European Union. Europeans and Americans were accused by the poorest states of not dedicating the promised resources.

The grants were all presented in Glasgow, so that the 198 signatory countries of the Paris Agreement, fulfill it. In this discussion, the american president, Joe Biden, brought the proposal for a financing of 3 billions of dollars by the United States, while the British proposal announced 290 million pounds sterling to deal with the consequences of climate change. These data explain the difference between the financing proposed by the American and British powers in relation to the European proposal., emphasizing that the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European bloc since 2020.

As a result of COP26, it was possible to observe a lack of solidarity between the countries, Mainly dealing with lives, however, results have been achieved. Although there was opposition to the idea of ​​creating a fund for financing by the United States and the EU, the European Parliament has achieved an increase of 850 million euros to combat climate change.


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Center for European Studies and Business
The European Studies and Business Center (NENE) is linked to the Brazilian Center for International Business Studies & Corporate Diplomacy (CBENI) from ESPM-SP. It was created considering the need to stimulate the Brazilian and Latin American academic community to better understand their relations with Europeans, seeking to understand and deepen the Brazil-European Union Strategic Partnership.