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Proceedings – World map
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ISSN 2674-8053 | Receive article updates on Telegram:


World Map President

Ambassador Fausto Godoy is a Doctor of Public International Law in Paris. He entered the diplomatic career in 1976, served in Brussels embassies, Buenos Aires, New Delhi, Washington, Beijing, Tokyo, Islamabade (where he was Ambassador of Brazil, in 2004). He also completed transitional missions in Vietnam and Taiwan. Lived 15 years in Asia, where he guided his career, considering that the continent would be the most important of the century 21 - forecast that, now, sees closer and closer to reality.

Editorial Body

Executive Editor

Rodrigo Cintra is Post-Doctor in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmia – Center for the Study of Socioeconomic Change, of the Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasília (2007), Master in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (2001) and Bachelor of International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1998). He is currently Coordinator of the undergraduate course in International Relations and the Post-Graduate Course in International Business at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), in addition to the manager of the Internationalization Directorate.

Opinion Space

PUBLISHING COMPANY: Denilde Holzhacker PhD in Political Science from USP (2006). She was Visiting Professor at Bentley University (USA) (2007-2008). Participated in the Global Fellow Program (2007-2009) do Institute for Higher Education (USA). He was part of the team of researchers associated with the Center for Research in International Relations (NUPRI) to USP (1994-2012). Integra, since 2016, the network of professors at the Center for Public Leadership (CLP) and is a professor of the Master in Public Management also at the CLP. She is Director of Teaching and Research at the Institute of Government Relations (Irelgov).

CO-EDITOR: Mariana Possari graduated from ESPM in International Relations with an emphasis on Institutional and Governmental Relations. He attended the Maastricht Summer School in Political Risk Analysis and published articles on the subject. He was a member of the Political Behavior research groups at PUC-SP and Digital Policy at ESPM. Since 2017, is part of the Bites team, working in data analysis.


The analyzes published in the World Map do not have a fixed periodicity, can be submitted at any time. For more information on submission, consult the Publication Guidelines.

World map

The Mapa Mundi Portal is a publication of the Think-tank Mapa Mundi.