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Author: Center for European Studies and Business

The European Studies and Business Center (NENE) is linked to the Brazilian Center for International Business Studies & Corporate Diplomacy (CBENI) from ESPM-SP. It was created considering the need to stimulate the Brazilian and Latin American academic community to better understand their relations with Europeans, seeking to understand and deepen the Brazil-European Union Strategic Partnership.
Artificial Intelligence and the fall in popularity of the British monarchy
Europe, UK

Artificial Intelligence and the fall in popularity of the British monarchy

Article prepared by researchers Luiza Preisner, Maria Clara Liguori Martins and Nicole Guazzelli Consentini The Glorious Revolution, a última fase da Revolução Inglesa no século XVII e a ascensão de Guilherme de Orange ao poder da Inglaterra, mudaram a política do Estado. Essa revolução resultou no fim do poder absolutista e implementou uma monarquia constitucional na qual o rei permanecia no trono inglês como chefe de Estado, mas com poderes reduzidos, enquanto um sistema parlamentarista entrou em vigor transformando a função da monarquia real em grande parte simbólica. However, a família real britânica continuou sendo extremamente relevante devido à sua tradição, imagem carismática e caridosa, usufruto de suas estratégias de comunicação, para com seus súditos, influenciand...
The role of renewable energy in the energy crisis
Europe, France, International Organizations, UK, Russia, European Union

The role of renewable energy in the energy crisis

By Ana Luisa Munhoz Mastromauro and Maíra Figueredo Gomes “The energy crisis can be a turning point to accelerate clean sources and to form a sustainable and secure energy system”, said Faith Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (AIE), in september 2022. Faith also stated that renewable energy capacity and installation is being accelerated in many countries across Europe., with the aim of lowering the value and cutting the licensing of Russian gas, being these consequences of the war with Ukraine. Firstly, it is noteworthy that this confrontation made energy security an increasingly frequent agenda, after all, hindering the respect for otherness so necessary for the coexistence between nations, being the world's second largest exporter of natural gas, was responsible for half of imports..
How a possible return of the extreme right in Italy could imply the entry of companies in the region
Global Themes

How a possible return of the extreme right in Italy could imply the entry of companies in the region

Giorgia Meloni in photo by Alessandra Tarantino/Associated Press By Beatriz Albino dos Santos and Cristina Sesso The socioeconomic transformations resulting from the First World War, caused political movements of a nationalist character to come to power in 20th century Italy. A context in which deep economic crises were taking place in German and Italian territory, resulting from the obstacles of the Great War, led to the establishment of a network of political opportunities, cultural and social, being quickly filled by the fascist movement. Like this, the peace accords consolidated at Versailles were seen, for many Italian nationalists, as undue, as a result of the idea that their efforts as a nation during the war were not understood, in a per...
The possession of King Charles III in the British monarchy and its impacts
Europe, UK

The possession of King Charles III in the British monarchy and its impacts

Julian Simmonds/AFP By Lais Pieruccetti and Vitória Dotto In day 10 September 2022, Charles III, to the 73 years, was officially proclaimed the new monarch of the United Kingdom, opening a new era in the history of a country that says goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II, your mother, guide and symbol of stability for seven decades. The Queen has established herself as a very active and participatory head of state in public affairs., and the current monarch declared to be deeply aware of the great heritage, of the duties and weighty responsibilities of sovereignty, which are now transmitted. Fundamentally, it is necessary to highlight the challenges of this transition in the british monarchy. No English sovereign took so long to assume the throne, e o rei Charles III, still need to face...
Inflation records in the Eurozone: causes and consequences
International Organizations, European Union

Inflation records in the Eurozone: causes and consequences

By Laura Cariolin and Sofia Ornelas Moreira Amidst a context of war, instability and energy insecurity, the European Union faces another challenge: contain rising inflation, which breaks records in the Eurozone. After the European currency fell below the dollar in August, Eurostat confirmed, In September, an inflation of 9,1% per year (Reuters, 2022), the biggest since its inception. By analyzing individual countries in the bloc, it is possible to find examples such as Estonia, which showed an inflation of 23,2% a year in july (STATISTA, 2022). Based on this information, the need to identify the causes and consequences of the danger that threatens the old continent is perceptible. With this drastic rise in inflation, all countries are disadvantaged. With the increase of ...
Ukrainian refugee flow
Europe, Ukraine

Ukrainian refugee flow

Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP via Getty Images By Maria Cerdeira and Isabela Suzuki Russia's invasion of Ukraine started in 24 February 2022 represented a watershed in the history of international relations of the 21st century and globally impacted the different sectoral levels and the variety of actors from the ex-Soviet states to the European Union and the United States.. According to the UN, the number of refugees has passed the mark of 6 millions, being the worst case of refugees since the end of the Second World War. After nearly a quarter of the country's total civilian population was subjected to bombing and violence, most homeless people cross into the European Union through border points in countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Moldavia, Hungary and Romania. The sketched scenarios...
The Impact of the War in Ukraine on NATO and the European Union
International Organizations, OTAN, European Union

The Impact of the War in Ukraine on NATO and the European Union

By Karen Laura Feliciano and Laura Cariolin The Ukrainian War caused profound changes in the countries' relationship with international economic organizations and blocs.. In this context, two situations stand out: that of NATO and the European Union. The entry of new countries generated an intense debate, and destabilized interactions between states, having as one of the protagonists, in both cases, in Turkey. In the context of NATO, the entry of Sweden and Finland into the organization was stopped by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, while Ukraine's entry into the European Union was criticized by Turkey, that seeks to enter the block since 1999 (GERMAN WAVE, [s.d.]). Thus, it is clear that the War in Ukraine impacted the expansion of the EU and NATO. With regard to NATO, to its...
War in Ukraine – military security
Europe, Ukraine

War in Ukraine – military security

For: Karen Andersson and Laura Rossi With Russia's invasion of Ukrainian territory at the beginning of 2022, there was an intense disparity in terms of military capabilities and technologies, where the Russians demonstrated a great advantage over their opponents. However, this asymmetry is much more due to the huge Russian investment in the area than to a lack of preparation on the part of the Ukrainians. Due to the shock of the invasion of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine underwent military reform in the following years, devoting much more funds and attention to its war development from then on. According to data from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, there was an increase in the size of the Ukrainian active forces of de 184 thousand officers, in 2015, for 250 one thousand, in 2016. ...
Energy security in Europe
Europe, International Organizations, Russia, Ukraine, European Union

Energy security in Europe

Map of cross-border energy pipelines. For: Pedro Gerhardt & Victor Manzoni The European Union in recent years has become one of the global leaders when it comes to energy security and also in relation to the high rates of integration of renewable energy from solar and wind sources. The Union still has a very well developed energy infrastructure, market with extreme competition, besides being the only region where energy consumption is falling, being a sign of the EU's energy efficiency. New energy sources depend mainly on resources from renewable sources and will also need to rely on the plurality of European countries to strengthen their plans.. about this aspect, Each region has its strengths and advantages contributing each...
Ukrainian troops trained in Germany by the US army
Germany, Americas, U.S, Europe, Ukraine

Ukrainian troops trained in Germany by the US army

Article written by Pedro Gerhardt Corrêa and Victor Calastri Manzoni The US military began training approximately 100 Ukrainian soldiers on German territory over artillery and radar systems. According to the Pentagon, will be used to defend Ukraine against Russian invasion. This training was instrumental in the robust defense of their capital Kiev and the struggle they are fighting in Donbass.. The training helped transform Ukraine from a Soviet-style army to a more agile and deadly force.. A large part of this training on the new defense systems, which is being carried out with Ukrainian troops, will be held by Florida guards. About 50 Ukrainians were trained using a Howitzer, an armament of l...