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Middle East

The geopolitics of the international criminal court: an analysis of divergent patterns and political influences
Americas, U.S, Europe, Israel, Middle East, Russia, Ukraine

The geopolitics of the international criminal court: an analysis of divergent patterns and political influences

The International Criminal Court (TPI) was established in 2002 with the mission of prosecuting individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression. However, ICC actions and decisions are often perceived unevenly by different countries, especially in the United States, who have a history of criticism and distrust towards the court. This article compares recent cases from Russia, Israel and other countries, analyzing the stance of US politicians and exploring how the funding and appointments of ICC members are subject to political influence. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 brought a series of investigations by the ICC into allegations of war crimes. The international response was approx...
The accumulated tension in the current international scenario: We are on the brink of a third world war?
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Ethiopia, Europe, India, Will, Israel, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations, Middle East, Central African Republic, Russia, Ukraine

The accumulated tension in the current international scenario: We are on the brink of a third world war?

The contemporary international scenario is marked by growing tensions that raise concerns about the possibility of a major global conflict., similar to the First and Second World Wars. To understand whether we are really on the brink of a third world war, It is essential to draw historical parallels and identify patterns that may indicate the repetition of destructive cycles. Among these patterns, the increase in xenophobia and geopolitical tensions stand out, that are present today in different parts of the world. During the First World War, Europe was immersed in a web of complex alliances and conflicts of national interests, which culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 and the subsequent declaration of war. in a way ...
The new phase of Brazil-Iran relations: a chancellor of diplomatic proximity
Americas, Brazil, Will, Middle East

The new phase of Brazil-Iran relations: a chancellor of diplomatic proximity

The recent appointment of Iran's new foreign minister has drawn the attention of the international community, especially due to its history of good relations with Brazil. Essa nomeação promete fortalecer ainda mais os laços diplomáticos e comerciais entre os dois países, que já vinham sendo cultivados ao longo dos últimos anos. O novo chanceler iraniano, Ali Bagheri Kani, possui uma trajetória marcada por negociações bem-sucedidas com o Brasil. Este diplomata esteve à frente de diversas discussões bilaterais, que resultaram em avanços significativos no comércio entre as duas nações. In 2023, for example, houve um aumento considerável nas exportações brasileiras para o Irã, especialmente no setor agropecuário, com destaque para a soja e carne bovina. Esse incremento é resultado direto das negoc...
The death of Iran's president and regional and global stability
Will, Middle East

The death of Iran's president and regional and global stability

The death of a president can be a profoundly transformative event, especialmente em um país com a importância geopolítica do Irã. A morte do presidente iraniano tem implicações complexas tanto para a estabilidade regional quanto para a global. Para entender essas implicações, é crucial analisar as reações de diferentes partes do mundo, including China, the Japan, the India, a África do Sul e o Brasil. No contexto regional, o Irã é uma potência significativa no Oriente Médio, com influência política, militar e religiosa substancial. A morte do presidente pode gerar uma lacuna de poder temporária, potencialmente criando instabilidade interna. Os grupos de oposição e as forças políticas internas podem se aproveitar dessa transição para aumentar sua influência, levando a possíveis ...
Reforma also HIM: between the need for modernization and the search for hegemony
Americas, Brazil, Europe, Israel, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations, Middle East, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine

Reforma also HIM: between the need for modernization and the search for hegemony

The United Nations (HIM-HER-IT), created in the aftermath of World War II, has been a milestone in international cooperation and the search for global peace and security. Yet, the world has changed drastically since 1945, presenting new geopolitical challenges, economic and environmental. Given these transformations, there is a growing call for reform of UN institutions and mechanisms, aiming to adapt to new global realities. Reform is necessary not only to make the organization more representative and effective, but also to ensure it can tackle complex contemporary issues, from regional conflicts to climate change. However, the path to reform is undermined by geopolitical interests, where proposals from countries like the United States and ...
Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system
Americas, Cuba, U.S, Europe, Will, International Organizations, Middle East, Russia, European Union, Venezuela

Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system

The dominance of the international monetary and financial system by the United States and Europe constitutes one of the most significant manifestations of power on the contemporary world stage.. This article explores how this joint hegemony has been employed as an economic weapon against countries that challenge Western interests., illustrating the impacts of this dynamic through concrete examples such as Cuba, Russia, Iran and Venezuela. In Cuba, the prolonged imposition of sanctions by the US, with tacit support from European allies, underlines the West's ability to economically isolate a country. The embargo, reinforced by international financial measures, not only severely restricts the Cuban economy, but also its ability to operate within the global financial system, obviously...
Intertwined perspectives: Israel, Palestine and the role of Brazil
Americas, Brazil, Israel, Middle East, Palestine

Intertwined perspectives: Israel, Palestine and the role of Brazil

The conflict between Israel and Palestine, one of the most deep-rooted and complex geopolitical disputes in modern history, continues to be a hotbed of instability in the Middle East region. This article aims to analyze the nuances of this conflict, incorporating Brazil's position and evaluating the implications of this stance for the country and regional dynamics. The Israeli-Palestinian issue has its roots in the early 20th century, with the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, approved by the UN, which triggered massive displacements and territorial disputes. This scenario gave rise to a series of conflicts and intifadas, shaping the political landscape of the Middle East and generating global repercussions. currently, the impact of the conflict goes beyond the borders of Israel and Palestine, directly affecting p...
The War between Israel and Palestine: Brazilian interests and the importance of the conflict for Brazil
Americas, Brazil, Israel, Middle East, Palestine

The War between Israel and Palestine: Brazilian interests and the importance of the conflict for Brazil

The long and complex dispute between Israel and Palestine is one of the most enduring and polarizing conflicts in the contemporary world.. Although geographically distant, Brazil has significant reasons to closely monitor developments in this issue. In this article, we will address Brazilian interests in the region and why the future of this conflict is relevant for Brazil, without taking sides on any of the sides involved. 1. Commercial and Economic Relations The Middle East, where the conflict unfolds, It is a region rich in natural resources, especially oil and gas. Brazil, over the years, established significant trade relations with several countries in the region. Stability in the Middle East is crucial to ensuring the continuity of these relations and avoiding fluctuations..
Global Consequences of the Conflict between Israel and Palestine: Economic Impacts and World Stability
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Europe, Israel, Middle East, Palestine, Russia

Global Consequences of the Conflict between Israel and Palestine: Economic Impacts and World Stability

The conflict between Israel and Palestine, that lasts for decades, It is an issue that transcends regional borders. Its ramifications have the potential to reconfigure the world order, both economic and political. Let's deepen our analysis of the possible repercussions of this conflict on the international scene. 1. Economic Impacts Oil Price Fluctuation: Detailing: The Middle East is responsible for a significant portion of world oil production. Any instability may interrupt supply, leading to a sudden increase in prices. Global Repercussion: Economies that rely heavily on oil imports, such as the European Union and India, may face energy crises and inflation. Besides that, exporting countries, like Ru....
the islam, iran, Kurdistan and Hijab
Will, Middle East

the islam, iran, Kurdistan and Hijab

Women police officers of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Photo Wikimedia Commons “The letter 24: 30 – Tell believers to keep their gazes low and keep their modesty, because it is more beneficial for them: Allah is well aware of everything they do;24:31 – Tell the faithful to reserve their gazes, keep your modesty and don't show your attractions, in addition to those (usually) appear; that they cover their laps with their veils and do not show their attractiveness, except your husbands, your parents, your in-laws, your children, your stepchildren, your brothers, your nephews, to the women his servants, their servants exempt from sexual needs, or children who do not discern the nudity of women; don't shake your feet, lest they call attention to their hidden attractions. O faithful, vo...