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The geopolitics of the international criminal court: an analysis of divergent patterns and political influences
Americas, U.S, Europe, Israel, Middle East, Russia, Ukraine

The geopolitics of the international criminal court: an analysis of divergent patterns and political influences

The International Criminal Court (TPI) was established in 2002 with the mission of prosecuting individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression. However, ICC actions and decisions are often perceived unevenly by different countries, especially in the United States, who have a history of criticism and distrust towards the court. This article compares recent cases from Russia, Israel and other countries, analyzing the stance of US politicians and exploring how the funding and appointments of ICC members are subject to political influence. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 brought a series of investigations by the ICC into allegations of war crimes. The international response was approx...
The Ozempic effect on the Danish economy
Denmark, Europe

The Ozempic effect on the Danish economy

Article written by Helena Holland, Isabella Xambre, Camila Freddi The aesthetic pressure of weight loss has reached another level: the economic. Celebrities, like Khloe and Kim Kardashian, has been appearing thinner and thinner at events and social media, leading users to question their diets and exercise, since they dictate the world of fashion. Like this, the big secret of Hollywood figures became public, o Ozempic, a drug developed by Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk for diabetics, which has liraglutide as its active ingredient, which replaces the action of a hormone called GLP1, making the person feel more satisfied, generating accelerated weight loss. The increase of more than 25% in sales of this product, ...
The dark past of German industry
Germany, Europe

The dark past of German industry

Article prepared by Bruna Marques and Raphael Krykorka Revelations about a hidden past of large German companies have highlighted severe crimes that shaped the history of German industry. After Adolf Hitler's accession to the Weimar chancellery in 1933, the consolidation of national socialist ideology began in the country. It was a fact that the German Chancellor influenced German domestic production through political pressure, tax and regulatory, however, transnationals shared their ideals hiddenly. Relevant German third sector companies volunteered to assist the Hitler regime, by secretly beginning a process of compulsory labor analogous to slavery in factories, restricted to Jews and Slavs. In this context, corporações alemãs implementam as prá...
Burgenstock Peace Summit tensions the neutral position of Latin Americans
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, China, Europe, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine

Burgenstock Peace Summit tensions the neutral position of Latin Americans

The Burgenstock Peace Summit, recently held in Switzerland, has generated intense discussions about the neutrality position of Latin American countries. This event, which brought together world leaders to discuss issues of global peace and security, brought to light a series of dilemmas for the nations of Latin America, who have historically adopted neutral stances in international conflicts. Brazil, the largest economy in the region, has been a leading advocate of neutrality in global issues. The Brazilian president highlighted, in his summit speech, the importance of a foreign policy that prioritizes dialogue and mediation, instead of automatic alignments with great powers. However, the growing global polarization, intensified by conflicts such as Ukraine, ...
History of the Falkland Islands and its strategic and geostrategic role
Americas, Argentina, Europe, UK

History of the Falkland Islands and its strategic and geostrategic role

The Falkland Islands, ou Falkland Islands, are an archipelago located in the South Atlantic, near 500 km east of the coast of Argentina. The history of the Falklands is marked by territorial disputes, colonizations and conflicts that highlight its strategic and geostrategic importance over the centuries. The discovery of the Falkland Islands is attributed to European explorers in the 16th century. Although there are records of sightings by Spanish and Portuguese navigators,, the first colonization established was by the French in 1764, who founded Port Louis on Soledad Island. Shortly after, in 1765, the British established Port Egmont on Saunders Island, also claiming sovereignty over the archipelago. In 1767, the French sold their colony to the Spanish, que mantiveram o c...
The accumulated tension in the current international scenario: We are on the brink of a third world war?
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Ethiopia, Europe, India, Will, Israel, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations, Middle East, Central African Republic, Russia, Ukraine

The accumulated tension in the current international scenario: We are on the brink of a third world war?

The contemporary international scenario is marked by growing tensions that raise concerns about the possibility of a major global conflict., similar to the First and Second World Wars. To understand whether we are really on the brink of a third world war, It is essential to draw historical parallels and identify patterns that may indicate the repetition of destructive cycles. Among these patterns, the increase in xenophobia and geopolitical tensions stand out, that are present today in different parts of the world. During the First World War, Europe was immersed in a web of complex alliances and conflicts of national interests, which culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 and the subsequent declaration of war. in a way ...
Analysis of racism in Spanish football
Spain, Europe

Analysis of racism in Spanish football

Article prepared by researchers Ana Vitória Guerra, Eduarda Vieira and Maria Eduarda D'urso. Racism in Spain reveals itself as a phenomenon intrinsically intertwined with the country's colonial legacy. Over centuries, Spain exercised dominion over several territories in different parts of the world, imposing your culture, language and belief systems to colonized peoples. In this sense, This colonization process implanted ideologies of racial superiority that persist to this day. In this way, from the perspective of postcolonial theory, racism in Spain cannot be understood separately from its colonial history, as colonial narratives and practices continue to shape social dynamics, political and cultural of the country. At first, a falta de uma l...
Artificial Intelligence and the fall in popularity of the British monarchy
Europe, UK

Artificial Intelligence and the fall in popularity of the British monarchy

Article prepared by researchers Luiza Preisner, Maria Clara Liguori Martins and Nicole Guazzelli Consentini The Glorious Revolution, a última fase da Revolução Inglesa no século XVII e a ascensão de Guilherme de Orange ao poder da Inglaterra, mudaram a política do Estado. Essa revolução resultou no fim do poder absolutista e implementou uma monarquia constitucional na qual o rei permanecia no trono inglês como chefe de Estado, mas com poderes reduzidos, enquanto um sistema parlamentarista entrou em vigor transformando a função da monarquia real em grande parte simbólica. However, a família real britânica continuou sendo extremamente relevante devido à sua tradição, imagem carismática e caridosa, usufruto de suas estratégias de comunicação, para com seus súditos, influenciand...
Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Europe, France, UK, Russia

Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity

The reform of the United Nations, especially the Security Council, has been a recurring theme in international debates, intensified by recent conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine. Criticism of the reform proposal defended by the United States reflects concerns about the maintenance of hegemonies and the lack of global representation in international governance. The current UN Security Council system, created after World War II, gives five victorious powers — United States, UK, France, Russia and China — the power of veto, which often prevents the organization from acting effectively in international crisis situations. This veto power has been criticized for allowing these nations to block international actions, inclusive...
Visit of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to Brazil
Americas, Brazil, Europe, France

Visit of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to Brazil

Article prepared by researchers Beatriz Begalli, Maria Eduarda Jaworski and Matheus Onofre Garcia The French president, Emmanuel Macron, arrives in Brazil on an official visit scheduled for the day 26 March, this being his first visit to Brazilian territory. Your schedule includes visiting 4 Brazilian cities: Bethlehem, Itaguaí, São Paulo and Brasilia, involving various themes, such as: bilateral investments, discussions about climate and environment, Mercosur agreement - European Union, war Russia and Ukraine, defense of democracy, strategies to combat misinformation, accountability of social networks and also about Brazil's entry into the presidency of the G20. The first destination of the French president's official visit to Brazil was Belém, no stop. O governa...