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Tag: China

Expansion of the security council and the Brazilian position: a game of global interests
Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S, Europe, France, UK, Russia, Global Themes

Expansion of the security council and the Brazilian position: a game of global interests

Brazil, in a bold diplomatic initiative, recently proposed significant changes to the structure of the UN Security Council, calling for the end of the veto power (at least temporarily) and the inclusion of eleven new permanent members. This movement reflects not only a search for greater recognition of Brazil on the international stage, but also an attempt to reform a structure that many see as obsolete and not representative of current geopolitical reality. The Brazilian proposition, according to sources such as the UOL portal, suggests that the suspension of the veto power, a prerogative of the five current permanent members (U.S, UK, France, China and Russia), whether for a period of 15 years. O argumento é que isso permitiria uma tomada de decisões mais dem...
Donald Trump and Asia: a fiasco?
China, South Korea, Japan

Donald Trump and Asia: a fiasco?

Donald Trump has just returned from a twelve-day tour of Asia, where he sought to build alliances with some leaders from Asian countries. Chose those with which bilateral agendas have become more complex since taking office, starting in Japan, continuing for South Korea and China. To crown, participated in the Summit of the "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum"/APEC, in Da Nang, in Vietnam. (more…)
Who is Xi Jinping (II): the consecration

Who is Xi Jinping (II): the consecration

The 19th Congress of the Communist Party ended yesterday, formalizing what even the stones of the streets knew:Xi Jiping was re-elected for another five-year term at the head of the Chinese Communist Party and, by corollary, from the country. (more…)
Does China play fair?

Does China play fair?

This matter of the "The Economist", last september, draws attention once more to the "China de Xi Jinping", which has already completed the transition from agricultural to industrial economy, and now leaves for the post-industrial, and search the world of cutting edge technology for the place where the "China Dream", Professor Liu Mingfu, da National Defense University da RPC, recommended, and that Xi repeats as "mantra": to become the leading economy on the planet. Remember, on purpose, To friends, the words of your formulator, which is in the introduction of your book: "...but what does it mean for China to become the world´s leading nation? First, it means that China´s economy will lead the world. On that basis, it will make China the strongest country in the world. As China rises to the status of a great powe...
We and the Chinese

We and the Chinese

I rescued this interview from Banco Modal partner, Eduardo Centola, published in Estadão do dia 31/07, because it reveals important aspects of our current economic-trade relationship with China. (more…)
The Chinese are coming…

The Chinese are coming…

The presidential visit to China, that just happened, brought promises of large Chinese investments in Brazil. As a demonstration of their appreciation for our country, President Temer was welcomed in a "state visit", which is the highest honor that Beijing bestows on a visiting foreign official. (more…)