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The possession of King Charles III in the British monarchy and its impacts

Julian Simmonds/AFP

 By Lais Pieruccetti and Vitoria Dotto

In day 10 September 2022, Charles III, to the 73 years, was officially proclaimed the new monarch of the United Kingdom, opening a new era in the history of a country that says goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II, your mother, guide and symbol of stability for seven decades. The Queen has established herself as a very active and participatory head of state in public affairs., and the current monarch declared to be deeply aware of the great heritage, of the duties and weighty responsibilities of sovereignty, which are now transmitted.

Fundamentally, it is necessary to highlight the challenges of this transition in the british monarchy. No English sovereign took so long to assume the throne, e o rei Charles III, still needs to face criticism from public opinion within a delicate period for a monarchy that faces multiple challenges, from the desire of some Commonwealth countries to distance themselves to criticism of their colonial and slave-owning past. Besides that, the UK faces its worst economic crisis in 40 years, and saw four Prime Ministers pass in six years.

The British magazine The Economist reported that in early September, while Elizabeth II's popularity was around 70%, Charles's popularity revolved around just 35% between 1.500 people interviewed. Thereby, the monarch's first challenge will be to deal with the distancing of the public and questions about the legitimacy of the British monarchy, as the UK's leadership of the Commonwealth, who have the monarch of the country as their head of state. The association's Charter expresses the commitment of member states to the development of free and democratic societies., as well as the promotion of peace and prosperity to improve the lives of all people in the community. Known as the Commonwealth of Nations, the association of 56 sovereign states, most former British colonies, currently, 14 of Member States are Commonwealth realms. Most of these nations can be defined as constitutional monarchies in which the king is not involved in the day-to-day running of the government., but it has an important role from a ceremonial and symbolic point of view.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, said the country will eventually become a republic, adding: “This is a broad and significant debate. I don't think it's a debate that will or should happen quickly.". Other countries also identified with the Prime Minister's speech, therefore, it is up to Charles III to manage his legacy with this issue appearing in the new era.

In addition, the economic crisis upsets the UK. Under the biggest inflation wave in four decades, the rising cost of living has triggered great frustration among its citizens, giving rise to an increasing number of strikes and the emergence of initiatives to boycott electricity and gas bills. These factors increase the chances of questioning, not just the government, but also of the very role of the monarchy in the contemporary scene.

Therefore, it is important that key issues such as, the unpopularity of the current monarch, the defense of the monarchy nowadays and also the fragile economic situation in the United Kingdom. Questions like these encompass a sense of alertness to these new challenges coming with the inauguration of King Charles III. It is imperative that the new king of the United Kingdom be aware of the obstacles that will be faced during his reign, so that strategies and studies are carried out to reverse possible risk situations to the English monarchy.


StateOfMines. – Charles III is proclaimed new King of the United Kingdom. Available in: <,1392699/charles-iii-e-proclamado-novo-rei-do-reino-unido.shtml>.  Access in: 26 set. 2022.

TheCommonwealth – Available in: <>. Access in: 26 set. 2022.

CNN, Brazil- After the Queen's death, find out about Charles III's relationship with the Commonwealth. Available in: <>. Access in: 26 set. 2022.

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