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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ulhoacin/ on line 322

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$source in /home/ulhoacin/ on line 331
João Claudio Platenik Pitillo – World map
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ulhoacin/ on line 322

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ISSN 2674-8053 | Receive article updates on Telegram:

Author: João Claudio Platenik Pitillo

João Claudio Platenik Pitillo is a professor of history licensed by UERJ, Master in Comparative History at UFRJ and PhD student in Social History at UNIRIO. As a member of NUCLEAS-UERJ (Center for the Study of the Americas) researches the Latin American revolutionary processes of the 20th century based on the concept of "Revolutionary Nationalism". In the scope of International Relations, he studies the advent of “Global Terrorism” and the emergence of the “New Caliphate”. As a World War II specialist, he researches and writes about the Red Army and the importance of the Eastern Front for the general context of the War.
Israel, between Zionism and Imperialism
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Israel, between Zionism and Imperialism

Since the beginning of the year, Syria has been the country hardest hit by the Israeli military escalation, having several cities hit, as well as Syrian military and infrastructure facilities, causing the death of hundreds of people and generating great economic losses. These Israeli military actions coincide with the Syrian army's advance to regain control of the country, where he has achieved great victories. Israeli attacks in flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty, have Tel Aviv’s justification for fighting Iranian bases in Syrian territory that threaten their security. (more…)
War Journalism, the silent weapon of Imperialism
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