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Author: Rodrigo Cintra

Post-Doctorate in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmia - Center for the Study of Socioeconomic Change, of the Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasília (2007). He is Executive Director of Mapa Mundi. ORCID
Brazil-US partnership for the energy transition: oportunidades e limitações ao desenvolvimento brasileiro
Americas, Brazil, U.S

Brazil-US partnership for the energy transition: oportunidades e limitações ao desenvolvimento brasileiro

A parceria entre Brasil e Estados Unidos para a transição energética surge como uma iniciativa estratégica no contexto das mudanças climáticas e da busca por um desenvolvimento sustentável. Com objetivos comuns de redução das emissões de carbono e promoção de energias limpas, ambos os países têm se engajado em discussões e acordos que visam facilitar a cooperação técnica, tecnológica e financeira na área de energia renovável. However, embora essa parceria apresente diversas oportunidades, ela também revela limitações significativas para o desenvolvimento autônomo do Brasil, especialmente no que diz respeito à dependência tecnológica e às assimetrias econômicas entre os dois países. A parceria foi formalizada em 2021, durante o governo de Joe Biden, com a criação do “Diálogo de Alto N...
Social justice and the energy transition: the role of public policies in Brazil
Americas, Brazil

Social justice and the energy transition: the role of public policies in Brazil

The energy transition, driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, plays a central role in global sustainable development. No brazil, country that has an energy matrix that is already predominantly renewable, the advancement of this transition is inevitable and necessary. However, the social impacts of this process are profound and unequal, affecting vulnerable populations most heavily. Ensuring that the energy transition is fair requires the implementation of public policies that promote social and regional inclusion, avoiding the worsening of existing inequalities. In this context, the role of the State becomes essential to ensure that access to clean energy is equitable and beneficial for all social groups. ...
Challenges to economic growth in the energy transition: impacts on the Brazilian industrial sector
Americas, Brazil

Challenges to economic growth in the energy transition: impacts on the Brazilian industrial sector

The energy transition is a global imperative to mitigate the effects of climate change and promote sustainable development. However, for the Brazilian industrial sector, essa transição apresenta desafios complexos que podem impactar diretamente o crescimento econômico. Brazil, embora esteja avançado em termos de fontes renováveis de energia, enfrenta a necessidade de uma modernização tecnológica ampla para que sua indústria se mantenha competitiva em um mercado global cada vez mais focado na descarbonização e na eficiência energética. A não adaptação a esse novo cenário pode comprometer sua competitividade internacional, ao mesmo tempo em que os custos de adaptação colocam uma pressão significativa sobre as empresas. Um dos principais desafios para a indústria brasileir...
The energy transition in Brazil: opportunities and risks for sustainable development
Americas, Brazil, Global Themes

The energy transition in Brazil: opportunities and risks for sustainable development

The energy transition represents one of the main global challenges in the 21st century, especially in the context of climate change and the search for sustainable development. Brazil, with its vast natural wealth and a relevant history of investments in renewable energy, emerges as a strategic country in this process. Yet, The opportunities provided by this transition are accompanied by risks that need to be faced to ensure a balanced and resilient economy. One of the biggest opportunities for the energy transition in Brazil is the diversification of the energy matrix. The country, which has historically depended on hydroelectricity as its main source of energy, has expanded its operations in other areas, especialmente na geração de energia solar e eólica....
Dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over Essequibo: context, tensions and future scenarios
Americas, Guiana, Venezuela

Dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over Essequibo: context, tensions and future scenarios

The territorial dispute over Essequibo dates back more than a century, involving Venezuela and Guyana in a highly complex diplomatic conflict. The Essequibo region, rich in oil and minerals, represents about 70% of the territory of Guyana and has been claimed by Venezuela, that considers the arbitration decision of 1899, which gave control of the area to British Guiana (current Guyana). In 1899, an international court established the borders between Venezuela and what was then British Guiana, granting the territory of Essequibo to Guyana. A Venezuela, However, claims that the decision was unfair and influenced by British interests, and has since maintained its territorial claim. This imbroglio gained prominence again in the 21st century, especialmente após a descobert...
Brazil and Argentina: challenges and opportunities in bilateral relations
Americas, Argentina, Brazil

Brazil and Argentina: challenges and opportunities in bilateral relations

The relationship between Brazil and Argentina, historically characterized by a complex mix of cooperation and rivalry, is experiencing a moment of redefinition. Recently, both countries have faced significant challenges, both in the economic and political spheres, that directly affect bilateral dynamics. These relations are shaped by political changes in both countries and by a regional economic scenario that imposes additional pressures on South American economies.. The election of a new president in Argentina raised expectations of an adjustment in bilateral relations. With the inauguration of Javier Milei, an economist with liberal positions and criticism of state interventionism, uncertainties arose about the future of the partnership with Brazil, especialmente considerando as declaraçõe...
US-China relations: tensions and perspectives after Jake Sullivan's visit to Beijing
Americas, Asia, China, U.S

US-China relations: tensions and perspectives after Jake Sullivan's visit to Beijing

Relations between the United States and China remain complex and volatile, reflecting geopolitical disputes, economic and technological developments between the two largest economies in the world. Jake Sullivan's recent visit, Conselheiro de Segurança Nacional dos EUA, a Pequim trouxe novos elementos para essa dinâmica. Em encontros com autoridades chinesas de alto escalão, Sullivan abordou temas críticos, incluindo comércio, segurança cibernética, climate change, e direitos humanos, além de questões sensíveis como Taiwan e o Mar do Sul da China. Esta visita ocorreu em um momento estratégico, visando estabilizar as relações, mas também evidenciou profundas desconfianças mútuas. A curto prazo, a visita de Sullivan ajudou a reabrir canais de comunicação que estavam enfraquecidos, oferecendo uma plata...
Venezuela: challenges and perspectives after the elections
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, China, Colombia, U.S, Europe, Mexico, International Organizations, Russia, European Union, Venezuela

Venezuela: challenges and perspectives after the elections

Venezuela is going through a delicate moment after the last elections, marked by controversies and political polarization. In the domestic setting, the atmosphere remains tense, with the government and opposition presenting opposing views on the country's future. The elections, seen by many as an attempt at democratic renewal, were criticized by sectors of the opposition and international observers due to questions about transparency and fairness in the electoral process. Not domestic environment, the government has emphasized the legitimacy of the electoral process, pointing to the elections as a victory for national sovereignty and a demonstration that the country is on a path of stability and reconstruction. The government's demonstrations highlight the strengthening of Venezuelan institutions and the continuity of ...
Crimea in focus: the objectives and obstacles of the Crimean Platform
Europe, Russia, Ukraine

Crimea in focus: the objectives and obstacles of the Crimean Platform

The Crimean Platform is an international diplomatic initiative led by Ukraine, with the aim of coordinating global efforts to reverse Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula, occurred in 2014. To understand the importance of this platform, it is necessary to contextualize the annexation: in February of 2014, following mass protests in Ukraine that led to the downfall of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, Russian military forces entered Crimea, a strategic region with a majority Russian population. Russia organized a referendum, in which the majority of votes supported annexation to the Russian Federation. The international community, However, considered the referendum illegitimate, citing the Russian military presence and the lack of transparency in the process. Since then, in Ukraine...
The future of US-Latin American relations: divergent paths under Trump or Harris
Americas, Brazil, U.S

The future of US-Latin American relations: divergent paths under Trump or Harris

United States elections are always an event of great global impact, and the victory of Donald Trump or Kamala Harris would have significant repercussions on US relations with Latin America in general and with Brazil in particular. If Donald Trump wins the elections, he is likely to continue or intensify his hardline, nationalist approach, characteristics of his first term. One of the main trends would be the continuation of strict immigration policies. Trump has historically advocated hardening borders and implementing restrictive policies against immigrants, often targeted specifically at Latin American countries. This could exacerbate tensions with several nations in the region, especialmente aquelas que dependem economicame...