ISSN 2674-8053

A Huawei, 5G technology and the PRC vs. US trade war

In 1st. last december, Vice President of the Board and Chief Financial Officer of Chinese technology giant Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, daughter of the company's founder, Ren Zhengfei, was detained at Vancouver airport, no canada, at the request of the American authorities, who asked for his extradition to the United States.

The charge against Meng is that she had participated in a conspiracy to defraud several financial institutions, among which Skycom – Hong Kong-based company – in business with Iran, between 2009 e 2014. According to the accusations, Meng used his relations to support Skycom in negotiations for the sale – or attempt – “Hewlett-Packard Company” equipment (HP), the American multinational information technology company, to Tehran, causing US intermediary banking institutions to indirectly violate the sanctions the US government maintains against that country. The suspicion that Huawei's activity ends up facilitating technological espionage practices in other countries has also come to be used as a justification. This prison, unprecedented, extrapolated, according to critics, the concept of state sovereignty, by “imposing” on a third country the observance of sanctions of an internal nature of another State.

Since then, the “Meng Wangzhou” case has channeled a wave of anti-Americanism – also involving Canada – from the Chinese media and population. Many people understand that "evil Americans" intend to contain China by destroying their technology companies that compete with American companies..

About this prison, columnist Jeffery Sachs said in an article on the “Project Syndicate” website that “the Trump administration’s conflict with China has little to do with US external imbalances, closed Chinese markets, or even China’s alleged theft of intellectual property. It has everything to do with containing China by limiting its access to foreign markets, advanced technologies, global banking services, and perhaps even US universities”. For him (that created the BRICS concept, by the way), the arrest of the Chinese executive is part of D.T's plans. to subvert the Chinese economy and impose tariffs that close Western markets to cutting-edge “made in China” technologies, both with regard to the sale and the acquisition of "know how".

According to Sachs, this initiative almost means a “declaration of war against the Chinese business community”. For him, and a growing number of analysts, what is at stake is much greater: is the technological hegemony of the United States. In a “catastrophist” tone, Sachs even compared the current climate to that of the eve of World War I. He stated that “…as with Europe’s great powers back then, the United States, led by an administration intent on asserting America’s dominance over China, is pushing the world toward disaster…”

Maybe we shouldn't get that far, but it is indisputable that what is at stake in the RPC X USA “trade war” is the control of 5G technology (fifth generation mobile connectivity), that should start to become reality from 2020. From what is foreseen, she will feed, In real time, no cables and interruptions, on a commercial scale, mobile devices (phones and tablets, etc.), smart houses (with refrigerator, cooker, advanced security and lighting alarms), autonomous vehicle fleets, automation of entire plants, and even smart cities. All of this interconnected in real time, no cables and interruptions.

Unlike its predecessors – or 3G and or 4G -, “The new version of the tool promises to make everything that works today seem outdated, how to inhale snuff, blotting or brushing and waxing the dining room floor, just as in the past ”, said Celso Ming and Guilherme Guerra, in an article published in Estadão, in day 08/06. This is the heart of the matter and the heart of the “US X PRC trade war” : the geopolitical dispute for world hegemony in the 21st century .

In this scenario, the analyst Pedro Doria, in the matter of Estadão, of the day 24/05, says “blocking Huawei is a disaster for everyone”. According to him, “Great as it is, obstinate as it is, and with the support of the Chinese government, Huawei will survive and, after a year or two, dará a volta por cima. Já agora mesmo, tomados por ímpeto nacionalista, chineses estão largando iPhones para comprar P30s. Trata-se de uma empresa com imensa penetração no mercado asiático. Com chips próprios e sistema próprio, terá poder de fogo para abrir um rombo nos espaços que Apple e Google têm no continente mais populoso, aquele onde o mercado mais cresce. Para os americanos, é péssimo”. Prova disto é que a Huawei está calmamente ampliando seu raio de ação para o sul da Ásia e já estabeleceu sucursais no Paquistão, Bangladesh e Sri Lanka. Só falta a Índia, mas aí “o buraco é mais embaixo”. Não nos esqueçamos de que a região representa um quarto da população mundial, com perspectivas de atingir a casa dos 61% in 2025.

Tudo isto parece óbviomas é bom refletirmos um pouco mais..
Como recordaremos, in 2013 o governo chinês lançou o plano “Made in China 2025”, que elencou dez setores de tecnologia de ponta sobre os quais focará seu projeto de desenvolvimento, na busca de alcançar a hegemonia da sociedade pós(pós)-industrial. E a Huawei é uma das mais importantes – senão a mais importante- empresas chinesas na área de alta tecnologia. Ela é aliás, a líder nesse segmento, e a segunda maior fabricante de smartphones do mundo, a caminho de logo se tornar a primeira. As empresas europeias Ericsson e Nokia tentam uma corrida por fora pelo controle da tecnologia, mas ainda estão longe do nível já atingido pela concorrente asiática. In addition, diferentemente das grandes companhias da RPC, que são quase todas estatais (as “state owned enterprises”), a Huawei é privada; escapa, assim -em teoria, ao menos-, do controle em “mãos de ferro” de Pequim.

Seria este o embrião de uma “nova” China, cada vez mais “privatizada”, não somente com o “beneplácito” senão também com a conivência – e a liderançado próprio PCC no processo? Seria este o novo modelo que Xi Jinping pretende estabelecer para a China e sua economia: cada vez mais simbiótica, em que Estado e as empresas privadas se amalgamam para transformar a República Popular na nação hegemônica da geoeconomia por volta da metade deste século
Plano certamente muito audacioso. É preciso muito empenho e audácia, que somente uma sociedade (still) confucionista consegue sustentar: “um por todos e todos por um”…


Os chineses são estrategistas “pela própria natureza”Não fosse o maior de todos, Sun Tzu, autor da “Arte da Guerra”, um chinês! Eles já planejaram o século XXI, integralmente, este século em acelerada mutação, Só falta cumprir o roteiro.

Mas a Pangeia em constante reconstrução abriga outras civilizações, muitas emergentes, outras declinantes, que querem buscar, ou preservar, seus espaços, e seus “lugares ao sol”. O que acontecerá, só o deus Krónos saberá dizer…and so, "to ships will".

Fausto Godoy
Doctor of Public International Law in Paris. He entered the diplomatic career in 1976, served in Brussels embassies, Buenos Aires, New Delhi, Washington, Beijing, Tokyo, Islamabade (where he was Ambassador of Brazil, in 2004). He also completed transitional missions in Vietnam and Taiwan. Lived 15 years in Asia, where he guided his career, considering that the continent would be the most important of the century 21 - forecast that, now, sees closer and closer to reality.