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China – World map
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ISSN 2674-8053 | Receive article updates on Telegram:


Energy resources in a world of geopolitical instability
Asia, China, Europe, India, International Organizations, Russia, Ukraine, European Union

Energy resources in a world of geopolitical instability

Energy resources play a central role in contemporary geopolitical dynamics, reflecting not only the economic development needs of the states, but also your strategic ambitions. Em um contexto de crescente instabilidade global, caracterizado por conflitos regionais, rivalidades entre grandes potĂȘncias e transformaçÔes na matriz energĂ©tica mundial, a disputa por fontes de energia se intensifica, moldando alianças e desafiando o status quo internacional. O conceito de "segurança energĂ©tica", amplamente discutido por autores como Daniel Yergin, assume dimensĂ”es renovadas diante das crises atuais, envolvendo nĂŁo apenas a disponibilidade de recursos, mas tambĂ©m a acessibilidade, a sustentabilidade e a resiliĂȘncia das cadeias de suprimento. As sançÔes impostas...
Neocolonism in a world in mutation
Africa, Americas, Asia, world Bank, China, U.S, Europe, IMF, Nigeria, International Organizations, Middle East, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Turkey, European Union

Neocolonism in a world in mutation

Neocolonialism, understood as the perpetuation of political influences, economic and cultural of the old colonial powers over the countries of the Southern Global, remains an undeniable reality in a world marked by geopolitical and technological transformations. Although formal decolonization occurred throughout the twentieth century, the structural dependence of many former colonies persists, highlighting a continuity of exploration dynamics in new forms. Great powers, like the United States, China and European Union, exert influence through direct investments, Soft Power Commercial Agreements and Strategies, shaping the economies and political decisions of emerging nations. The theory of dependence, formulated by authors such as RaĂșl Prebisch and Theotonio dos Santos, ...
Impacts on BRICS in the context of expanding its members and the Trump government
Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S, Europe, India, Russia

Impacts on BRICS in the context of expanding its members and the Trump government

The BRICS, Block formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, enfrentam desafios e oportunidades em um cenĂĄrio global marcado pela recente expansĂŁo do grupo e pela possĂ­vel volta de Donald Trump Ă  presidĂȘncia dos Estados Unidos. A ampliação do bloco, que incorporou novos membros como ArĂĄbia Saudita, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, EtiĂłpia e IrĂŁ, reflete um movimento estratĂ©gico para aumentar sua representatividade global e reduzir a dependĂȘncia das instituiçÔes ocidentais. However, essa expansĂŁo tambĂ©m introduz complexidades, considerando as divergĂȘncias geopolĂ­ticas entre os novos e antigos membros, alĂ©m das diferenças em interesses econĂŽmicos e polĂ­ticos. Uma eventual presidĂȘncia de Trump pode gerar impactos significativos na coesĂŁo e nas estratĂ©gias dos BRICS, uma vez q...
Global South in a world in mutation and fragmentation
Americas, Brazil, China, U.S

Global South in a world in mutation and fragmentation

The growing fragmentation of the contemporary international order has imposed challenges and opportunities to the Global South, term used to designate a heterogeneous set of developing countries situated mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia. The rise of new powers, The weakening of multilateral institutions and the intensification of geopolitical disputes between traditional and emerging powers directly impact these countries, that seek to reposition themselves in an increasingly multipolar and complex international system. The ongoing transformations are related to the crisis of liberal globalization, resurgence of protectionist policies and increased rivalry between the United States and China, fatores que geram novas dinùmicas de poder e obrigaçÔes estratég...
Centripetal and centrifugal forces of globalization: the prevalence of closure in times of deglobalization
Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S

Centripetal and centrifugal forces of globalization: the prevalence of closure in times of deglobalization

Globalization, in its essence, has always been immersed in a game of contradictory forces that shape the destiny of nations and societies. Celso Lafer, in his analyzes of international politics, highlighted the coexistence of centripetal forces, that promote integration and interdependence, and centrifugal forces, that drive fragmentation and closure. This onslaught, which throughout the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century oscillated between moments of collaboration and conflict, appears to have entered a cycle particularly inclined towards deglobalization. As we look back at the year ending, the international panorama points to a world where centrifugal forces have assumed a disturbing role, redefining the foundations of the global economy and relations between people. The centripetal forces of global....
Sustainable development in BRICS: an independent path to a balanced future
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, India, International Organizations

Sustainable development in BRICS: an independent path to a balanced future

The Kazan Declaration, resulting from the XVI BRICS Summit held in October 2024, emphasizes the need to strengthen multilateralism to promote fair and sustainable global development. Member countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — recognize the importance of adopting an independent path that balances the demands of economic development with the urgency of addressing climate change. Historically, developed nations were mainly responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, contributing significantly to global warming. However, developing nations, including BRICS countries, face the challenge of growing economically while implementing sustainable practices. The Kazan Declaration re...
Global warming and development: the COP and the dilemma of emerging countries between economy and sustainability
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, India, International Organizations

Global warming and development: the COP and the dilemma of emerging countries between economy and sustainability

The Conference of the Parties (walking in circles), main UN climate negotiation forum, promotes essential discussions about climate change and global warming. Yet, as countries around the world discuss emissions reduction targets, a significant dilemma arises: how to balance urgent environmental demands with the economic and development needs of countries, especially those in development? This balance is particularly relevant, as these nations face the challenge of growing economically while implementing sustainable practices, at a time when their economies still depend on carbon-intensive sectors. Historically, Developed countries are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. The industrialization of Europe...
Western relationship, China e Taiwan: approach using econometrics to assess tensions
Americas, Asia, China, U.S

Western relationship, China e Taiwan: approach using econometrics to assess tensions

1               INTRODUCTION Republic of China (RDC) ou Taiwan, is an island located at 200 km from the People's Republic of China (RPC), with independent government and being recognized as a country by 20 nations in the world (BARBOSA, JUNIOR from SATUR, 2016). A RPC, watch the island, as a rebel province that is part of its territory (VLADIMIR IVANOV, 2022). Russia's occupation of Ukraine, in 24 February 2022, with tacit support from China to the Russian invasion, sustained in the international system, speculation about Beijing's intentions with Taiwan (YEUNG, GAN e JIANG, 2022). For example, Thaddeus (2022) states that China's abstention from voting in the United Nations Security Council (HIM-HER-IT) in crisis resolution...
Global Community of Shared Future: China's grand strategy for the formation of a new International Order
Asia, China

Global Community of Shared Future: China's grand strategy for the formation of a new International Order

 1. Introduction This analysis aims to present three official documents that, among others, form the Grand Strategy of the People's Republic of China. Those that most directly relate to the area of ​​Security and Defense and that impact Brazilian Foreign Policy were chosen., consequently being of interest for the planning and execution of the international activities of the Brazilian Army. These are the documents “Global Community of Shared Future”, “Belt and Road Initiative” and “Global Security Initiative”. Chairman Xi Jinping, from China, has a very clear idea of ​​the direction in which he wants to take the country under his leadership. He has already synthesized his desire through the formulation of the “Chinese dream” represented by the “great revitalization....
US-China relations: tensions and perspectives after Jake Sullivan's visit to Beijing
Americas, Asia, China, U.S

US-China relations: tensions and perspectives after Jake Sullivan's visit to Beijing

Relations between the United States and China remain complex and volatile, reflecting geopolitical disputes, economic and technological developments between the two largest economies in the world. Jake Sullivan's recent visit, US National Security Advisor, Beijing brought new elements to this dynamic. In meetings with high-ranking Chinese officials, Sullivan addresses critical issues, including trade, cybersecurity, climate change, and human rights, in addition to sensitive issues such as Taiwan and the South China Sea. This visit occurred at a strategic moment, aiming to stabilize relations, but also highlighted deep mutual distrust. In the short term, Sullivan's visit helped reopen communication channels that had been weakened, offering a platform...