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BRICS Bridge: an alternative in global financial architecture

O BRICS Bridge, a project developed by BRICS member countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), emerges as an innovative and important alternative in global financial architecture. This consortium, which has consolidated itself as a significant bloc on the global economic scene, seeks to create new opportunities for its members and other developing nations, challenging financial hegemony traditionally dominated by the West.

One of the main reasons for the importance of the BRICS Bridge is the promotion of freedom of international action for member countries. Through this initiative, BRICS countries are able to diversify their financial options, reducing dependence on Western financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The New Development Bank (NBD), for example, established by BRICS, offers financing for infrastructure and sustainable development projects without the political conditions often imposed by traditional institutions. This allows member countries to maintain their sovereignty and develop projects that better meet their internal needs..

Another fundamental aspect of the BRICS Bridge is the promotion of a fairer and more balanced financial system. The distribution of power in global financial institutions has been a constant concern for developing countries, who often have little influence on decisions that directly affect them. By creating your own block with alternative financing structures, BRICS seeks to redefine the rules of the game, promoting more inclusive and representative governance on the global stage.

Economic integration between BRICS members is also a crucial factor underpinning the importance of the BRICS Bridge. Through initiatives such as the Cross-Border Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) from China, BRICS countries are developing mechanisms to carry out financial transactions in their own currencies, reducing dependence on the US dollar. This de-dollarization helps protect the economies of BRICS countries against adverse currency fluctuations and economic sanctions, strengthening your home economies.

Besides that, cooperation within BRICS allows the exchange of knowledge and technologies, driving the development of strategic sectors. For example, India and China have collaborated on information technology and renewable energy projects, while Brazil has benefited from investments in infrastructure and agriculture. This synergy not only strengthens member economies, but also creates an enabling environment for innovation and sustainable growth.

The BRICS Bridge also plays an important role in economic diplomacy. When acting together, BRICS countries are able to negotiate better trade and investment conditions with other nations and economic blocs. This economic cooperation strengthens the geopolitical position of member countries, allowing them to exert greater influence in international negotiations and promote a more multipolar world order.

Lastly, the importance of the BRICS Bridge is reinforced by the inclusion of new emerging and developing economies. The bloc has explored the possibility of expanding its membership, incorporating new countries that share similar interests and challenges. This potential expansion could further increase the relevance and impact of BRICS on the global stage, consolidating it as a viable and effective alternative to Western-dominated financial structures.

In conclusion, The BRICS Bridge represents an important evolution in global financial architecture, offering member countries greater freedom of international action, promoting fairer and more balanced financial governance, and strengthening their economies through economic integration and cooperation. With the continuous expansion and development of its initiatives, BRICS has the potential to significantly reshape the global economic landscape, promoting more inclusive and sustainable growth for all its members.

Rodrigo Cintra
Post-Doctorate in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmia - Center for the Study of Socioeconomic Change, of the Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasília (2007). He is Executive Director of Mapa Mundi. ORCID

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