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Global governance in transition: the challenges and opportunities of new international structures
world Bank, BRICS, IMF, G20, G7, G77, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations

Global governance in transition: the challenges and opportunities of new international structures

Global governance structures are crucial elements in the management of international affairs, ensuring cooperation between nations in areas such as economics, safety, environment and human rights. The history of these structures dates back to the Bretton Woods system, established in 1944, which established institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, aiming to rebuild and stabilize the global economy after World War II. The United Nations (HIM-HER-IT) also emerged during this period, serving as a platform for multilateral diplomacy. However, These classical institutions face increasing criticism due to their limited ability to respond to contemporary challenges. Recurring economic crises, changes ...
BRICS Bridge: an alternative in global financial architecture
BRICS, International Organizations

BRICS Bridge: an alternative in global financial architecture

O BRICS Bridge, a project developed by BRICS member countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), emerges as an innovative and important alternative in global financial architecture. This consortium, which has consolidated itself as a significant bloc on the global economic scene, seeks to create new opportunities for its members and other developing nations, challenging financial hegemony traditionally dominated by the West. One of the main reasons for the importance of the BRICS Bridge is the promotion of freedom of international action for member countries. Through this initiative, BRICS countries are able to diversify their financial options, reducing dependence on Western financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (FM...
Challenges and opportunities: the essential cooperation between BRICS countries
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, Europe, India, International Organizations, Russia

Challenges and opportunities: the essential cooperation between BRICS countries

The importance of cooperation between BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – has been a recurring theme in international economic and political discussions. This article delves into the need to expand interaction between members in commercial spheres, economical, financial and monetary, using explicit quotes from newspapers in the countries involved, to highlight the possible gains of this approach. According to the "China Daily", China sees BRICS as a vital platform for promoting genuine multilateralism and reforming global governance. Cooperation between these emerging economies is seen as a counterpoint to the unilateralism and economic protection prevalent in the West. This reflects the Chinese view that strengthening ties....
The BRICS reaction to the election in Portugal: A multifaceted analysis
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, Europe, India, International Organizations, Portugal, Russia

The BRICS reaction to the election in Portugal: A multifaceted analysis

The recent political turn in Portugal, with the election of a center-right government, has aroused varied reactions around the world, especially among BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Each member of this group of emerging nations has their own perspective on the changes in Portugal and their potential implications.. This article seeks to explore and contrast these diverse views, citing official sources and statements. Brazil: Brazil, with its deep historical and cultural connection with Portugal, has been watching the elections with great interest. According to "Folha de S.Paulo", "the victory of the center-right in Portugal raises both opportunities and challenges for Brazil, opening paths for new economic dynamics, but also instigating pr...
The need to reform the Global Financial Architecture
BRICS, IMF, International Organizations

The need to reform the Global Financial Architecture

G-20 meeting (added to Spain and Holland) in 2008 during a meeting in the USA. The constant and increasingly impactful financial crises that have occurred since the last decades of the last century show that a reform of the Global Financial Architecture is necessary.. Before I understand what it means, it is important to know what the global financial architecture is. The global financial architecture can be defined as a set of international agreements and international institutions that promotes the international flow of capital with the aim of facilitating investment and financing international trade.. It is the consolidation of coordinated work (even if informally) of different Multilateral Agreements, Central Banks and Intergovernmental Organizations. Between the...
The BRICS Contingent Reserve Agreement as an alternative to Brazil
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, BRICS, International Organizations

The BRICS Contingent Reserve Agreement as an alternative to Brazil

Contribution of each state to the BRICS Contingent Reserve Agreement. In times of global economic crisis it is important for countries to have quick access to international currencies in order to maintain their ability to pay internationally. To a large extent it is this availability of reserves that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) makes available. The problem, in this case, is that the IMF only releases resources through the commitment and implementation of a series of fiscal austerity policies. The IMF's objective is to ensure that the borrowing country is able to repay the resource., but this usually leads to a deepening of the internal economic crisis. (in what economists call pro-cyclical actions). In 2014, in a movement to create alternatives ...
Brazilian insertion in international trade blocks
Americas, Brazil, BRICS, International Organizations

Brazilian insertion in international trade blocks

Main trading partners for each state in Brazil The global integration of production processes is a reality that has already been confirmed, but still not well used by Brazil. To have a current example of the relevance of the integration of countries into productive blocks, just look at the case of England. with your exit (which is not even complete) of the European Union what you see is the chaos of production and product supply. lack workers, raw material and products to be consumed in the country, who believed to have a self-sufficient economy. As much as we don't realize, each product we consume depends on actions carried out in the most diverse places in the world. The integration of this production process is called the Global Value Chain, having several productive steps until the final product: e...
The weak Brazilian participation in the BRICS
BRICS, International Organizations

The weak Brazilian participation in the BRICS

BRICS Leaders at the 13th Summit (Alamy's photo) The beginning of September marked the anniversary of 15 years of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), what was registered at the 13th Summit of the BRICS. The event went unnoticed by most of the Brazilian press, which demonstrates the little relevance that the bloc has received from the Brazilian government. This low interest leads to a great loss of potential for Brazilian foreign policy. Some numbers to illustrate the relevance of the BRICS to the world: the countries that make up the bloc represent more than 40% of the world population and almost 25% do PIB global . In addition to these numbers, the geographic diversity of the member countries also draws attention., with a presence on all continents. The block has an important agenda, ...
BRICS and the Covid-19 vaccine, one more chance missed
Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, Europe, India, International Organizations, Russia

BRICS and the Covid-19 vaccine, one more chance missed

REUTERS FILE PHOTO Vaccination for Covid-19 is advancing and the world begins to breathe a sigh of relief, but it hides a much harsher and more unequal reality in the world we live in. Access to vaccines, as well as its production, it is the result of power relations that only reinforce the inequality that exists between countries.. Once the size of the problem with Covid-19 became clear, the richest countries started their efforts to produce vaccines and to purchase or block in advance the vaccines to be produced. To get an idea, by the end of 2020 these countries had already guaranteed 3,8 billions of doses. The amount purchased by countries like the United States and European countries far exceeded their population. only the USA, for example, bought vaccines that surpassed 5 doses per....
Joe Biden's Asia
Americas, Asia, BRICS, China, U.S, India, International Organizations, Global Themes

Joe Biden's Asia

Joe Biden (US President) e Xi Jinping (President from China) at a meeting in China in 2013 - AP Photo Lintao Zhang Asia has traditionally been an enigma for American administrations, who find partners in the region - or not - with the dimension of China, India, Japan and South Korea, economic giants whose long shared history reveals nuances and presents challenges that go beyond the simplistic Western ideal of “Trump style”. From you, over the past century, Asian countries have chosen regional security as a priority in their relationship with the United States. From the end of II the War, Americans are committed to ensuring peacekeeping in the eastern Pacific. This commitment is before the State rather than the government, as evidenced by “Taiw ...