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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ulhoacin/ on line 322

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/ulhoacin/ on line 322
Robson Coelho Cardoch Valdez – World map
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ISSN 2674-8053 | Receive article updates on Telegram:

Author: Robson Coelho Cardoch Valdez

PhD in International Strategic Studies (UFRGS). Researcher at the Center for Latin American Studies / IREL-UnB. Author of books "Foreign Policy and the International Insertion of the BNDES in the Lula Government" (Learned, 2019) e "Climbing the ladder - the internationalization of national companies in the Lula government" (Learned, 2019).
Brazilian interests in the United States threatened by the Bolsonaro government's environmental policy
Americas, Brazil, U.S

Brazilian interests in the United States threatened by the Bolsonaro government's environmental policy

Amazon rainforest (Pirititi area) (Felipe Werneck / Ibama via AP) On the return of the United States to the international climate agenda, Biden invited 40 world leaders, including the Brazilian president, for a virtual meeting during Earth Day celebrations on the days 22 e 23 of April, a milestone for COP26 to be held in Glasgow in November. One of its goals is to ensure the commitment of the main economies of the world to reduce the emissions of this decade and to maintain the limit of heating of 1,5 degrees Celsius. There is still no confirmation about the presence of President Bolsonaro at this event. The importance of the international environmental agenda for the Biden administration is evident, Among other things, by the political weight of his special envoy to the climate, o ex-secretário de est...