ISSN 2674-8053


Visit of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to Brazil
Americas, Brazil, Europe, France

Visit of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to Brazil

Article prepared by researchers Beatriz Begalli, Maria Eduarda Jaworski and Matheus Onofre Garcia The French president, Emmanuel Macron, arrives in Brazil on an official visit scheduled for the day 26 March, this being his first visit to Brazilian territory. Your schedule includes visiting 4 Brazilian cities: Bethlehem, Itaguaí, São Paulo and Brasilia, involving various themes, such as: bilateral investments, discussions about climate and environment, Mercosur agreement - European Union, war Russia and Ukraine, defense of democracy, strategies to combat misinformation, accountability of social networks and also about Brazil's entry into the presidency of the G20. The first destination of the French president's official visit to Brazil was Belém, no stop. O governa...
Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina
Americas, Argentina, Brazil

Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina

Brazil, as one of the largest economies in South America and a recognized leader in the region, desempenha um papel crucial na promoção da integração regional. Esta tarefa, However, não está isenta de desafios, especialmente em relação aos seus vizinhos, como a Argentina, com quem tem uma história complexa de cooperação e competição. Este artigo explora o papel do Brasil na integração regional, destacando os conflitos e colaborações com a Argentina, com insights de fontes de diversos países para garantir uma visão abrangente e equilibrada. Historically, Brasil e Argentina foram vistos como rivais, desde questões territoriais até disputas de influência na América do Sul. However, in the last years, especialmente com a criação do Mercosul em 1991, que também inclui Paraguai e Urugua...
Reforma also HIM: between the need for modernization and the search for hegemony
Americas, Brazil, Europe, Israel, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations, Middle East, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine

Reforma also HIM: between the need for modernization and the search for hegemony

The United Nations (HIM-HER-IT), created in the aftermath of World War II, has been a milestone in international cooperation and the search for global peace and security. Yet, the world has changed drastically since 1945, presenting new geopolitical challenges, economic and environmental. Given these transformations, there is a growing call for reform of UN institutions and mechanisms, aiming to adapt to new global realities. Reform is necessary not only to make the organization more representative and effective, but also to ensure it can tackle complex contemporary issues, from regional conflicts to climate change. However, the path to reform is undermined by geopolitical interests, where proposals from countries like the United States and ...
The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, Chile, China, U.S

The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities

China's growing presence in Latin America has been one of the most intriguing geopolitical dynamics of recent decades. This increase in influence, marked by significant investments in infrastructure, comércio e cooperação política, não apenas redefine as relações econômicas na região, mas também provoca reações variadas de outras potências globais, particularmente os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia. Investimentos e Influência A China tem direcionado consideráveis recursos financeiros para a América Latina, focando em setores críticos como energia, mining, construção e tecnologia. For example, em países como Brasil e Peru, empresas chinesas têm investido bilhões em projetos de mineração e infraestrutura. Esses investimentos muitas vezes vêm acompanhados de cond...
Challenges and opportunities: the essential cooperation between BRICS countries
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, Europe, India, International Organizations, Russia

Challenges and opportunities: the essential cooperation between BRICS countries

The importance of cooperation between BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – has been a recurring theme in international economic and political discussions. This article delves into the need to expand interaction between members in commercial spheres, economical, financial and monetary, using explicit quotes from newspapers in the countries involved, to highlight the possible gains of this approach. According to the "China Daily", China sees BRICS as a vital platform for promoting genuine multilateralism and reforming global governance. Cooperation between these emerging economies is seen as a counterpoint to the unilateralism and economic protection prevalent in the West. This reflects the Chinese view that strengthening ties....
US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, U.S, Mexico, Peru

US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America

A presença militar e científica dos Estados Unidos em terras latino-americanas tem sido motivo de controvérsia e especulação. Recently, as atividades relacionadas à pesquisa biológica, realizadas por entidades como o NAMRU-SOUTH e apoiadas por empresas farmacêuticas estadunidenses, entraram em foco, suscitando debates sobre soberania, segurança e ética. Este artigo procura desvendar as nuances desse tema, amparado por relatos e análises veiculados por importantes jornais da América Latina. A expansão das pesquisas biológicas militares dos Estados Unidos na região tem gerado um debate acalorado sobre a transgressão da soberania nacional e as implicações para a segurança dos países envolvidos. THE "La Jornada" do México tem sido vocal sobre as implicações dessas atividades, questio...
Elections in Senegal: challenges to stability and the role of Brazil
Americas, Brazil, Sebegal

Elections in Senegal: challenges to stability and the role of Brazil

Elections in Senegal (today, 24 March) emerge not only as a national political event, but as a phenomenon with significant international repercussions, capable of influencing the dynamics of regional stability and foreign relations, including ties with Brazil. The electoral process, marked by tensions and expectations, raises concerns about the continuity of the democratic tradition and political stability in the country, a pillar of balance in West Africa. This article seeks to examine the risks associated with this transition period in Senegal and reflect on the actions that Brazil could adopt to support the maintenance of Senegalese political stability. Senegal's stability is crucial not just for the nation itself, mas para toda a região da Áfric...
Information security and the new geopolitics of cyberspace: challenges and opportunities for Brazil
Americas, Brazil, International Organizations, On the Global

Information security and the new geopolitics of cyberspace: challenges and opportunities for Brazil

In the contemporary global scenario, cyberspace has emerged as a domain of critical importance, shaping not only interpersonal relationships but, crucially, geopolitical and geoeconomic interactions. A segurança da informação, uma vez relegada aos bastidores técnicos, hoje ocupa o centro do palco nas discussões sobre soberania nacional, desenvolvimento econômico e diplomacia. A necessidade de uma governança global para o ciberespaço é, therefore, um imperativo que não pode mais ser ignorado, sobretudo pelo Brasil, um ator crescente no tabuleiro internacional. A transformação digital global não conhece fronteiras; os dados cruzam continentes em milissegundos. In this context, incidentes de segurança cibernética têm potencial para causar disrupções em larga escala, afetando desde infr...
The BRICS reaction to the election in Portugal: A multifaceted analysis
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, Europe, India, International Organizations, Portugal, Russia

The BRICS reaction to the election in Portugal: A multifaceted analysis

The recent political turn in Portugal, with the election of a center-right government, has aroused varied reactions around the world, especially among BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Each member of this group of emerging nations has their own perspective on the changes in Portugal and their potential implications.. This article seeks to explore and contrast these diverse views, citing official sources and statements. Brazil: Brazil, with its deep historical and cultural connection with Portugal, has been watching the elections with great interest. According to "Folha de S.Paulo", "the victory of the center-right in Portugal raises both opportunities and challenges for Brazil, opening paths for new economic dynamics, but also instigating pr...
Border crisis: Brazil's role in resolving the conflict between Guyana and Venezuela
Americas, Brazil, Guiana, Venezuela

Border crisis: Brazil's role in resolving the conflict between Guyana and Venezuela

The South American region has faced a series of geopolitical challenges that threaten not only the internal stability of the countries, but also harmony between neighboring nations. One of the most significant examples is the growing tension between Guyana and Venezuela, a conflict that not only raises regional concerns, but it also places Brazil in a position where its actions are fundamental to promoting peace and stability in the region. The root of the conflict between Guyana and Venezuela dates back to the 19th century, but it has gained new dimensions in recent years due to the discovery of large oil reserves in the disputed Essequibo region. A Venezuela, facing a deep economic and political crisis, has reaffirmed its territorial claims, increasing tension in the area. Em...