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Neocolonialism in the 21st century: the perpetuation of inequality between the Global North and the Global South
Americas, Brazil, On the Global

Neocolonialism in the 21st century: the perpetuation of inequality between the Global North and the Global South

The term "neocolonialism" refers to a modern form of colonialism where, despite the absence of direct political dominance, Global North countries, also known as core countries, continuam a exercer controle econômico e cultural sobre os países do Sul Global, frequentemente chamados de países periféricos. Esta dinâmica perpetua uma condição de dependência e subdesenvolvimento nos países do Sul Global, mantendo a desigualdade global e reforçando estruturas de poder historicamente desiguais. In this article, exploraremos a relação entre esses blocos, como os acordos de livre comércio impactam negativamente os países do Sul Global e analisaremos estudos que sustentam essas afirmações. A relação entre os países centrais e os países do Sul Global é marcada por uma dependência eco...
Argentine policies and their impacts on Brazil: stability and cooperation in Latin America
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Mercosur, International Organizations

Argentine policies and their impacts on Brazil: stability and cooperation in Latin America

Relations between Brazil and Argentina are fundamental for stability and cooperation in Latin America. The two countries, being the largest economies in the region, desempenham papéis cruciais no Mercosul e em outras iniciativas de integração regional. Com as atuais políticas implementadas pelo presidente argentino, Javier Milei, espera-se uma série de impactos que podem influenciar significativamente o Brasil em vários aspectos, desde a economia até a política externa. Este artigo explora esses impactos potenciais, focando na estabilidade e cooperação entre as nações. Javier Milei, conhecido por suas posições econômicas liberais e críticas contundentes ao intervencionismo estatal, tem implementado uma série de reformas que visam desregulamentar a economia argentina. Entre essas polític...
Military biological activities: the issue of laboratories and the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S, India, Peru

Military biological activities: the issue of laboratories and the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases

Military action in the field of biological activities raises significant concerns, especially given the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases in different regions of the world. Military biological laboratories, officially intended for research and development of measures against biological threats and infectious diseases, are at the center of debates about their real function and impact on global public health. The growing incidence of new outbreaks and emerging diseases fuels suspicion about the role of these facilities and the possibility that their operations are contributing to the proliferation of new biological threats.. In various parts of the world, the activation of these laboratories often coincides with the emergence of previously unknown or rare diseases. For example, no...
Economic interdependence as a pillar of international stability and peace
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, world Bank, Brazil, China, U.S, IMF, Japan, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations

Economic interdependence as a pillar of international stability and peace

Global economic interdependence has emerged as one of the main pillars of international stability in recent decades. This phenomenon, characterized by the intense flow of goods, the role of NATO and the UN Security Council, capitals and information between countries, has been widely recognized for promoting peace by creating incentives for cooperation and reducing the risks of armed conflict. Economic interdependence, However, faces significant challenges in the contemporary scenario, raising concerns about its sustainability and possible impacts on world peace. Historically, economic interdependence intensified after World War II, with the creation of international institutions such as the UN, the IMF and the World Bank, which promoted economic cooperation and trade liberalization..
Burgenstock Peace Summit tensions the neutral position of Latin Americans
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, China, Europe, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine

Burgenstock Peace Summit tensions the neutral position of Latin Americans

The Burgenstock Peace Summit, recently held in Switzerland, has generated intense discussions about the neutrality position of Latin American countries. This event, which brought together world leaders to discuss issues of global peace and security, brought to light a series of dilemmas for the nations of Latin America, who have historically adopted neutral stances in international conflicts. Brazil, the largest economy in the region, has been a leading advocate of neutrality in global issues. The Brazilian president highlighted, in his summit speech, the importance of a foreign policy that prioritizes dialogue and mediation, instead of automatic alignments with great powers. However, the growing global polarization, intensified by conflicts such as Ukraine, ...
Brazil's role in the global green agenda, potentials and challenges
Americas, Brazil

Brazil's role in the global green agenda, potentials and challenges

Brazil, with its vast biodiversity and natural resources, plays a crucial role in the global green agenda. As the country that is home to most of the Amazon, considered the "lung of the world", Brazil has a significant responsibility in mitigating climate change and conserving biodiversity. The potentials and challenges faced by the country in this agenda are vast and complex. Brazil's main potential in the green agenda lies in its natural wealth. The Amazon, that charges approximately 60% of Brazilian territory, is fundamental for global climate regulation, as it absorbs enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. Besides that, the country is one of the largest biofuel producers in the world, destacando-se na produção de etanol a partir da cana-de-açúcar...
The new phase of Brazil-Iran relations: a chancellor of diplomatic proximity
Americas, Brazil, Will, Middle East

The new phase of Brazil-Iran relations: a chancellor of diplomatic proximity

The recent appointment of Iran's new foreign minister has drawn the attention of the international community, especially due to its history of good relations with Brazil. Essa nomeação promete fortalecer ainda mais os laços diplomáticos e comerciais entre os dois países, que já vinham sendo cultivados ao longo dos últimos anos. O novo chanceler iraniano, Ali Bagheri Kani, possui uma trajetória marcada por negociações bem-sucedidas com o Brasil. Este diplomata esteve à frente de diversas discussões bilaterais, que resultaram em avanços significativos no comércio entre as duas nações. In 2023, for example, houve um aumento considerável nas exportações brasileiras para o Irã, especialmente no setor agropecuário, com destaque para a soja e carne bovina. Esse incremento é resultado direto das negoc...
The new OAS Parliamentary Assembly: challenges for Brazilian autonomy in the face of US influence
Americas, Brazil, U.S, OAS, International Organizations

The new OAS Parliamentary Assembly: challenges for Brazilian autonomy in the face of US influence

The Organization of American States (OAS) has played a significant role in hemispheric politics since its founding in 1948. The organization, that aims to promote democracy, human rights, security and development in the region, often finds itself under the dominant influence of the United States. This article examines the GRS resolution 3004 of 2023, which proposes the creation of a legislative structure similar to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and how this initiative can impact the autonomy of Latin American countries, with a special focus on Brazil. The GRS resolution 3004 of 2023 aims to strengthen democracy in the region, proposing the creation of a parliamentary assembly within the scope of the OAS. Essa estrutura legislativ...
Visit of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to Brazil
Americas, Brazil, Europe, France

Visit of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to Brazil

Article prepared by researchers Beatriz Begalli, Maria Eduarda Jaworski and Matheus Onofre Garcia The French president, Emmanuel Macron, arrives in Brazil on an official visit scheduled for the day 26 March, this being his first visit to Brazilian territory. Your schedule includes visiting 4 Brazilian cities: Bethlehem, Itaguaí, São Paulo and Brasilia, involving various themes, such as: bilateral investments, discussions about climate and environment, Mercosur agreement - European Union, war Russia and Ukraine, defense of democracy, strategies to combat misinformation, accountability of social networks and also about Brazil's entry into the presidency of the G20. The first destination of the French president's official visit to Brazil was Belém, no stop. O governa...
Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina
Americas, Argentina, Brazil

Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina

Brazil, as one of the largest economies in South America and a recognized leader in the region, plays a crucial role in promoting regional integration. This task, However, is not without challenges, especially in relation to your neighbors, like Argentina, with those who have a complex history of cooperation and competition. This article explores Brazil's role in regional integration, highlighting conflicts and collaborations with Argentina, with insights from cross-country sources to ensure a comprehensive and balanced view. Historically, Brazil and Argentina were seen as rivals, from territorial issues to influence disputes in South America. However, in the last years, especially with the creation of Mercosur in 1991, que também inclui Paraguai e Urugua...