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How the British see their role in the developing world 2030 - and how they are preparing to exercise it
Africa, Americas, Argentina, Asia, China, Europe, Nigeria, HIM-HER-IT, OTAN, UK

How the British see their role in the developing world 2030 - and how they are preparing to exercise it

The United Kingdom has just released a document which I think is very important to read, fundamental even, for those who are willing to understand the game that the great powers are playing in the international arena. In him, revisions of integrated defense and security policies are presented, Britain's international relations and development[1]. The document has, in the introduction, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's vision for the United Kingdom in the year 2030. In summary, it is an optimistic view of your country's role in the world, who sees the UK as one of the most influential nations on the planet, with a strong economy and that, due to the emphasis on the adoption of scientific and technological innovations, estará mais bem equipada para enfrentar um mundo ainda mais competitivo....
The Chinese presence in African agriculture – “invasion” or cooperation?
Africa, Angola, Algeria, China, Studies, Mozambique, Nigeria

The Chinese presence in African agriculture – “invasion” or cooperation?

The goal of this study is to assess the Chinese presence in African agriculture in the light of increased discussions about an alleged Chinese “invasion” through the purchase of arable land. Previous scientific studies and little data Existing and reliable indicators indicate that there is no clear evidence of an “invasion” Chinese in Africa, even though the Chinese interest in soil agriculture Africa has indeed increased in this century. On the other hand, aid and technical cooperation mechanisms have increased substantially since the beginning of the XXI century. There seems to be space, because, for partnerships that collaborate with reducing malnutrition in Africa through the use of technology and chinese know-how. Until the present moment, There is also little evidence about the occupation of land in the co...