China and Russia: “best friends”, finally?
Historically, the Chinese and the Russians have always been the "best" enemies. Since the dawn of communism in China, in 1949, the Soviets looked at the Maoists with disdain and even prejudice.
The feud between Stalin and Mao is famous, whom he considered a "farmer" late. It became evident from the day Mao performed, in December 1949, shortly after the communist victory in Beijing, the first visit visit outside the PRC. The destination was precisely Moscow, in order to reinforce the ideological ties between the "sisters of faith". However,, with the aim of reiterating its hegemony in the Marxist universe, the hosts received Mao coldly, and even disdain. He was kept in a hotel room for days on end before finally being received by Stalin. Esta atitude o enraiveceu...