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Afghanistan at the crossroads (III) – the Taliban, o EI-K, the Hazaras and China
Afghanistan, Asia, China

Afghanistan at the crossroads (III) – the Taliban, o EI-K, the Hazaras and China

A group of Daykundi Hazaras watching the US Army Corps of Engineers inspect a project site in their province (Wikipedia photo) On the last day 8/10, an Islamic State militant-K/EI-K (by Korazan, afghan phalanx of islamic state), perpetrated a suicide bombing against a Shiite mosque in the city of Kunduz, in the north of the country, and killed dozens of faithful, confirming the growing confrontation between Sunnis and the Shiite community. This is another episode that reveals the enormous difficulty that the Taliban will face in asserting itself as the legitimate government of the country., both internally and externally. In a previous post I had pointed out that the Taliban's Herculean attempt to fulfill their desire to regain power since, in 2001, was driven back from Kabul by the trop...
Position of the European Union in relation to Afghanistan
Afghanistan, Asia, International Organizations, European Union

Position of the European Union in relation to Afghanistan

By Giulia Ornellas and Vitor Saatkamp Afghanistan is a country of great instability, which has been in an ongoing crisis since the Afghan War of 1979. currently, civil conflicts and internal crises are intensifying due to the dictatorship implemented by the Taliban group, what, in mid-august this year, took power and ruled the country again. The radical Islamic regime is violating the human rights of citizens, mainly from the female population. In 2001, the american government of George W. Bush, together with allies, sent troops to overthrow the extremist regime, and successfully, improved the political situation and economic expectations of the country, although they still face many difficulties from a humanitarian point of view.. With the failures in the plan to withdraw the t...
Afghanistan at the crossroads (II) – the interim government office
Afghanistan, Asia

Afghanistan at the crossroads (II) – the interim government office

Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban Porta Vorz during a press conference in Kabul (6/September;2021). EPA-EFE/FILE/STRINGER The Taliban reported yesterday, 07/09, the names of the members of the interim government cabinet he installed in Kabul in 15/08. Unlike what I had previously announced, whatever, establish an inclusive criterion that encompassed the various aspects that make up the country's complex ethnic and political fabric - which had generated a certain optimistic expectation on the part of the international community – all the names announced are of established leaders, and no women were included. In fact, these names refer to the historical lineage of the radical movement that predominated in Afghanistan between 1996 e 2001. And many of them awaken bad memories.... Lidera o ga ...
Cemetery of Empires
Afghanistan, Americas, Asia, China, U.S

Cemetery of Empires

US Air Force plane take off at Kabul Airport The scene looked familiar to Americans.. A helicopter of its Armed Forces flew over the US Embassy in a distant country, picked up passengers for a hasty evacuation, while the enemy approached from all sides. the troops, after long war, are returning home unable to celebrate the victory. The similarities between the Saigon retreat, at the end of the Vietnam War, and the withdrawal from Kabul last Sunday, 15 of August, marking the end of the Afghan War, are obvious and inescapable. Everything happened at an amazing speed. On an offensive of about ten days, the Taliban conquered all the provincial capitals and reached the capital of Afghanistan, obscene. President Ashraf Ghani fled p...
Afghanistan at a crossroads: scenarios
Afghanistan, Asia

Afghanistan at a crossroads: scenarios

Yeah...the Taliban owns the power in Afghanistan, and there's not much the world can do until the situation in the country is clearer.. The circle whose trace began in December is closed. 1991 when the troops of "Enduring Freedom" and the "International Security Force" (ISAF), da him, American-led, entered Kabul and expelled the group to inhospitable rural areas in the Afghan provinces, who entered, So, in hiding, but it was never wiped out. After twenty years, it is back to "ground zero": they went... and came back.... In the meantime, Afghan society has changed., who started to live with a certain security and freedom, especially when it comes to women, and with a sense of "normality", run by a fragile government, by the western troops and ...
The chronicle of the announced death: the fall of Kabul
Afghanistan, Asia

The chronicle of the announced death: the fall of Kabul

Taliban Takes Control Over Afghanistan's Presidential Palace. © AP The Afghan press has just reported the fall of Kabul this morning. The Taliban finally occupied the capital, completing a strategic cycle delineated by the advance of its militias through provincial capitals while the leadership discussed in Doha, in Qatar, the formation of a government shared with the constituted authorities of Afghanistan. It has always been known that, actually, these discussions, which included representatives of the US government and other countries, were destined, at the bottom, to “buy time” for the Taliban rebels to gain ground across the country. Definitely, it was a stage game to "deceive" the western negotiators, that publicly committed to ...
The Chinese and the Taliban…
Afghanistan, Asia, China

The Chinese and the Taliban…

Photo: On the last day 28/07/2021, a delegation of key members of the Taliban group, from afghanistan, headed by its co-founder and political committee leader, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, met in Tianjin, and China, with none other than Chancellor Wang Yi to address issues of great sensitivity to the Chinese in the political sphere, economic and security. It was the first time a “senior” member of the organization had visited China since Sunni radicals captured several key districts in Badakhshan and Kandahar provinces and, according to the news, took control of about half of the country, to the border with the Chinese region of Xinjiang, although for now they control neither the capital nor the government.. Wang said the withdrawal of troops ...
Chronicle of the announced death (II)… or the imminence of the Afghan tragedy
Afghanistan, Asia

Chronicle of the announced death (II)… or the imminence of the Afghan tragedy

In the edition of 13/7/2021 Estadão replicates an article from “The Economist” whose title - “US mission in Afghanistan was a fiasco” - is tragically self-explanatory. Using historical memory, this script looks like “déjà vu”: the same happened in vietnam, in iraq, in Libya, in Syria; and as with these countries, the cycle of the American/Western presence in Afghanistan ends the same way it always does: a fiasco, as "The Economist" qualifies. The Taliban is already preparing to occupy the space left by Western troops and, according to the vast majority of analysts, very soon it will again assume absolute power in Kabul and will again impose ultra-conservative Islamic governance, based on the strict Muslim legal code – Sharia -, like what happens...
Chronicle of the announced death… or the afghan tragedy
Afghanistan, Americas, Asia, U.S

Chronicle of the announced death… or the afghan tragedy

President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani in 2019 (REUTERS NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE - RC142B0FF7F0) Yesterday, 25/06, the President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, accompanied by its Prime Minister and President of the High Council for National Reconciliation – and political antagonist – Abdullah Abdullah, met at the White House, with President Joe Biden to establish a roadmap for the country after the departure of American troops, fixed for the day 11 of September, fateful date of the tragedy of the "World Trade Center", by the way. Faced with the political and social upheaval that is predicted with the departure of the American contingent, White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, reaffirmed the US commitment to the country's governability. In press release, she stated that “the United States is committed to a....
The end (?) of the Afghanistan War II
Afghanistan, Asia, International Organizations, OTAN

The end (?) of the Afghanistan War II

Soldiers from the US Naval Hospital and US Mariners in Afghanistan (Photo Reuters) Polemizando ... I commented in the article End (?) War in Afghanistan, in day 14/04, American President Joe Biden's decision that American troops permanently abandon Afghanistan. According to the White House announcement, the last contingents, of 2,5 thousand soldiers, leave the country until the day 11 of September, symbolic date, by the way, when the 20th anniversary of the invasion ordered by George W is celebrated. Bush. This decision reflects the intense and sometimes dramatic negotiations that took place in Doha, in Qatar, between American officials and Taliban representatives, witnessed by representatives of some countries in the region, but without the presence of envoys from the government of Kabul, that culminated in ...