ISSN 2674-8053


Analysis of racism in Spanish football
Spain, Europe

Analysis of racism in Spanish football

Article prepared by researchers Ana Vitória Guerra, Eduarda Vieira and Maria Eduarda D'urso. Racism in Spain reveals itself as a phenomenon intrinsically intertwined with the country's colonial legacy. Ao longo de séculos, a Espanha exerceu domínio sobre vários territórios em diferentes partes do mundo, impondo sua cultura, língua e sistemas de crenças aos povos colonizados. In this sense, esse processo de colonização implantou ideologias de superioridade racial que persistem até os dias atuais. In this way, sob a ótica da teoria pós-colonial, o racismo na Espanha não pode ser compreendido separadamente de sua história colonial, pois as narrativas e práticas coloniais continuam a moldar as dinâmicas sociais, políticas e culturais do país. At first, a falta de uma l...
Energy Crisis in Spain
Spain, Europe

Energy Crisis in Spain

By Helena Francesconi and Maria Toffano Electricity price breaks records in Spain and even exceeds 180 euros per megawatt hour. The energy crisis is a reality around the world, and it's no different in Europe. Given this scenario, Spain is involved in a global trend towards the search for renewable energy in the face of taxation of carbon dioxide-emitting fossil energy sources. However,, energy consumption remains too high to be supplied only by clean energy, what made the country look for other matrices, resulting in an increase of 34,9% of the energy price in relation to the previous year, also amplifying political tensions. Spain produces practically no natural gas and its reserves are negligible, so it depends on i...
Elections in Spain
Spain, Europe

Elections in Spain

In the Spanish Parliamentary Monarchy, in april of 2019, elections were held in which five of the 16 political parties had the chance to reach the government. The Socialist Workers Party (PSOE, led by Pedro Sánchez), Popular Party (PP, led by Pablo Casado), citizens (led by Albert Rivera), United we can (led by Pablo Iglesias) and the Vox (led by Santiago Abascal). Knowing about your multiparty system, their elections work with proportional voting and a closed list, therefore, votes are in favor of the party and unchangeable (increasing the dependence of representatives of their political parties and leaders). With this in mind, we know that political clashes between parties are common because they have different ideologies, beyond rivalries,...
Focus Africa 2023
Spain, Europe

Focus Africa 2023

Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, revealed on the day 29 March the plan that started with the conferences and debates at the Palace of Monaco in Madrid. O Focus Africa 2023, baseado no Third Plan Africa,  promises further development on the African continent, increasing economic involvement and overall presence on the continent. Obstacles in common as:  devastated agriculture, lack of female empowerment, high level of carbon dioxide emissions and lack of employment, made the government take actions together with Spanish stakeholders, offering incentives for Spanish investors and companies to expand on the African continent. The distance between countries makes diplomatic relations easier, tending to be strategic partners..
Confucius and the Corona Virus
China, South Korea, Spain, U.S, Europe, Italy, Japan

Confucius and the Corona Virus

A man stands in a nearly empty street during the Chinese New Year holiday this week in Beijing, China. Getty Images Polemizando... Pointed times ours, of controversies, “fake news”, antagonisms and, about everything, of a lot of incomprehension. Locked at home, I read the article - "A global war" - that the chronicler Lourival Sant´ Anna published in Estadão do dia 29/03 regarding the divisions between countries as to the different ways in which they are facing the tragedy. He made the following observation about how East Asia is managing to curb the epidemic faster than the West: “... there was no need to force anything: common sense prevailed among the population and its religious leaders, who could not resist suspending their activities ”... Why is this happening? Is...