ISSN 2674-8053

On the Global

Global South involvement in the war between Russia and Ukraine: a harmful deviation
Americas, Europe, Russia, On the Global, Ukraine

Global South involvement in the war between Russia and Ukraine: a harmful deviation

The involvement of the Global South in the war between Russia and Ukraine brings to light a series of issues that go beyond mere geopolitical positioning. This participation, often involuntary, ends up moving these nations away from their primary development objectives, plunging them into a sea of ​​controversies and accusations that obscure the real needs of their populations. The attack on the Russian military plane Il-76, for example, serves as a metaphor for the complexity and shadows surrounding the role of countries in the Global South in this conflict. Mismatched information and lack of transparency dominate the scenario, where the true story behind such incidents remains veiled, fueling a game of accusations that only serves to intensify international tensions. A...
Information security and the new geopolitics of cyberspace: challenges and opportunities for Brazil
Americas, Brazil, International Organizations, On the Global

Information security and the new geopolitics of cyberspace: challenges and opportunities for Brazil

In the contemporary global scenario, cyberspace has emerged as a domain of critical importance, shaping not only interpersonal relationships but, crucially, geopolitical and geoeconomic interactions. A segurança da informação, uma vez relegada aos bastidores técnicos, hoje ocupa o centro do palco nas discussões sobre soberania nacional, desenvolvimento econômico e diplomacia. A necessidade de uma governança global para o ciberespaço é, therefore, um imperativo que não pode mais ser ignorado, sobretudo pelo Brasil, um ator crescente no tabuleiro internacional. A transformação digital global não conhece fronteiras; os dados cruzam continentes em milissegundos. In this context, incidentes de segurança cibernética têm potencial para causar disrupções em larga escala, afetando desde infr...