ISSN 2674-8053

phygital sports

The Games of the Future, scheduled to take place in Kazan, represent a significant milestone in the evolution of sports, uniting the physical and digital (phygital). This event, pioneer in its nature, offers revealing insight into how sports are evolving in response to contemporary technological and cultural demands.

On a global scale, the esports market (e-sports) is booming. According to a report from Newzoo (2023), the global e-sports market is expected to reach around 1,5 billion dollars by 2024. This rise is mainly driven by the increasing digitalization of leisure activities and the engagement of younger audiences, who see e-sports as a natural extension of their social and entertainment interactions.

The Future Games in Kazan promise to not only be a meeting point for e-sports enthusiasts, but also a space for exploring new forms of sporting competition that challenge the boundaries between the physical and the digital. This event serves as a social and sporting experiment, reflecting emerging trends in Asia, especially in countries like China and Japan, where the integration between technology and everyday life is deeply rooted.

To Brazil, the promotion of phygital sports represents a significant opportunity. In a country with a young and digitally connected population, Investing in this new sport can have social and economic benefits. In addition to aligning Brazil with a global trend, phygital sports promotion can encourage technological innovation and create new market opportunities.

The India, for example, has seen exponential growth in its gaming and e-sports industry, driven by investments in technology and digital infrastructure. Following this trajectory, Brazil can position itself as a leader in phygital sports in Latin America, generating not only revenue, but also stimulating the development of digital skills among young people.

Yet, The transition to phygital sports in Brazil requires a multifaceted approach. Investment in technological infrastructure is necessary, the development of accessible digital platforms and the creation of training and development programs. Besides that, It is essential to ensure digital inclusion, ensuring that communities from different socioeconomic backgrounds have access to these new forms of sport.

The experience of countries like Russia, which is hosting the Future Games, demonstrates the importance of effective collaboration between the public sector, private companies and educational institutions. These partnerships are crucial to fostering an ecosystem that supports the growth of phygital sports.

The Future Games in Kazan also highlight the need for new insight into what constitutes a “sport”. This event challenges traditional definitions, showing that physical activity can be complemented and enriched by technology. This is a time of reset, where the barriers between the physical and the digital are becoming increasingly blurred.

To Brazil, adopting and promoting phygital sports is more than following a global trend. It's an opportunity to lead in innovation, inclusion and social development. By embracing this new modality, the country can stimulate economic growth, foster technological creativity and offer new forms of entertainment and social engagement for its population.

In conclusion, the Future Games in Kazan are not just a sporting event, but a signpost of the changes that are shaping the global sporting scene. To Brazil, active participation and promotion of phygital sports can represent a significant step towards the future, aligning the country with global trends and paving the way for technological and social advances.


  1. Newzoo. (2023). Global Esports Market Report 2023. [online] Available in:
  2. Indian Ministry of Sports. (2023). Report on the development of e-sports in India. [online] Available in:
  3. Government of the Russian Federation. (2023). Future Games in Kazan: A milestone in phygital sport. [online] Available in:
Rodrigo Cintra
Post-Doctorate in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmia - Center for the Study of Socioeconomic Change, of the Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasília (2007). He is Executive Director of Mapa Mundi. ORCID

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