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Author: Rodrigo Cintra

Post-Doctorate in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmia - Center for the Study of Socioeconomic Change, of the Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasília (2007). He is Executive Director of Mapa Mundi. ORCID
A identidade de gênero em transformação: perspectivas globais e resistências culturais
Americas, Brazil

A identidade de gênero em transformação: perspectivas globais e resistências culturais

A identidade de gênero, que por muito tempo foi vista como algo rígido e predeterminado, passa hoje por um processo de transformação global que desafia normas e abre novas possibilidades para a autocompreensão e a expressão pessoal. Essa mudança, Yet, se apresenta de forma diversa ao redor do mundo, gerando um impacto profundo em culturas com visões tradicionais sobre papéis de gênero e criando uma série de tensões entre o desejo de liberdade individual e a preservação de valores comunitários. In Africa, em regiões onde a herança cultural é fundamentada em papéis sociais e familiares bem definidos, as novas expressões de gênero são recebidas com uma mistura de curiosidade e resistência. Em muitos lugares, o papel da mulher, for example, está intimamente ligado ao cuidado da família ...
Americas, Brazil

The erosion of collective identities and the impact of digital technologies

At a time when digital surpasses physical presence, we see ourselves increasingly connected globally and, paradoxically, disconnected from our local roots. A tecnologia tem transformado a forma como interagimos e nos identificamos, trazendo à tona uma nova realidade onde o senso de comunidade física é substituído por grupos digitais e redes sociais. Esse processo tem suas nuances e consequências, especialmente quando observamos comunidades com tradições enraizadas e valores transmitidos há séculos. Para muitos grupos indígenas e tradicionais da África, o digital surge como uma ferramenta dupla: um meio de divulgação e preservação, mas também de perda e fragmentação. A tecnologia permite que tradições sejam registradas, como cantos e rituais, e que linguagens quase extintas sobr...
Roots in motion: the challenge of identities in the 21st century
Americas, Brazil

Roots in motion: the challenge of identities in the 21st century

The identity, a concept that was once considered fixed and rooted, tornou-se um campo de transformações constantes no mundo contemporâneo. Vivemos um período em que as tradições, os laços comunitários e as formas de pertencimento cultural enfrentam forças que diluem, remodelam e até desafiam sua própria existência. In this case, somos confrontados com questões de significado: o que é pertencer? O que define quem somos em um mundo que mistura culturas, padrões e tradições com velocidade sem precedentes? Há uma tendência global em curso: a convergência e a adaptação das identidades ao novo contexto. However, essa adaptação é marcada tanto pelo desejo de se conectar a um mundo mais amplo quanto pela necessidade de proteger o que é singular. A globalização, ao unir e criar espaços de in...
Energy and fracking: how Trump's victory renews focus on fossil fuels and their environmental challenges
Americas, U.S

Energy and fracking: how Trump's victory renews focus on fossil fuels and their environmental challenges

Energy production from fossil fuels remains a central issue in the United States, especially with the rise of pro-fossil policies, driven by Donald Trump's victory. In your previous government, Trump advocated an expansion of oil and natural gas production through technologies such as hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking”, under the argument that the US must guarantee energy independence and strengthen its domestic economy. Although this policy brings some economic benefits, hydraulic fracturing raises environmental concerns, mainly due to the contamination of aquifers, greenhouse gas emissions and earthquakes related to the process. A fraturação hidráulica é uma técnica que permite a extração de gás...
Sustainable development in BRICS: an independent path to a balanced future
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, India, International Organizations

Sustainable development in BRICS: an independent path to a balanced future

The Kazan Declaration, resulting from the XVI BRICS Summit held in October 2024, emphasizes the need to strengthen multilateralism to promote fair and sustainable global development. Member countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — recognize the importance of adopting an independent path that balances the demands of economic development with the urgency of addressing climate change. Historically, developed nations were mainly responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, contributing significantly to global warming. However, developing nations, including BRICS countries, face the challenge of growing economically while implementing sustainable practices. The Kazan Declaration re...
Global warming and development: the COP and the dilemma of emerging countries between economy and sustainability
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, India, International Organizations

Global warming and development: the COP and the dilemma of emerging countries between economy and sustainability

The Conference of the Parties (walking in circles), main UN climate negotiation forum, promotes essential discussions about climate change and global warming. Yet, as countries around the world discuss emissions reduction targets, a significant dilemma arises: how to balance urgent environmental demands with the economic and development needs of countries, especially those in development? This balance is particularly relevant, as these nations face the challenge of growing economically while implementing sustainable practices, at a time when their economies still depend on carbon-intensive sectors. Historically, Developed countries are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases. The industrialization of Europe...
Germany's energy transition to renewable sources: impacts and lessons for Brazil
Germany, Americas, Brazil, Europe

Germany's energy transition to renewable sources: impacts and lessons for Brazil

Germany's energy transition, known as Energiewende, is one of the most comprehensive examples of policies aimed at decarbonizing the energy matrix in a highly industrialized economy. Officially started at the beginning of the s 2000, the Energiewende has set ambitious targets to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear energy, while promoting the use of renewable energy, such as solar and wind. Although the transition has brought significant advances in combating climate change and developing new technologies, Germany faced economic and social challenges, including loss of industrial competitiveness and, more recently, partial return to conventional energy sources. The German energy transition began with the approval of....
Brazil-US partnership for the energy transition: opportunities and limitations to Brazilian development
Americas, Brazil, U.S

Brazil-US partnership for the energy transition: opportunities and limitations to Brazilian development

The partnership between Brazil and the United States for the energy transition emerges as a strategic initiative in the context of climate change and the search for sustainable development. With common objectives of reducing carbon emissions and promoting clean energy, both countries have engaged in discussions and agreements aimed at facilitating technical cooperation, technological and financial in the area of ​​renewable energy. However, although this partnership presents several opportunities, it also reveals significant limitations to Brazil's autonomous development, especially with regard to technological dependence and economic asymmetries between the two countries. The partnership was formalized in 2021, during Joe Biden's government, com a criação do “Diálogo de Alto N...
Social justice and the energy transition: the role of public policies in Brazil
Americas, Brazil

Social justice and the energy transition: the role of public policies in Brazil

The energy transition, driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, plays a central role in global sustainable development. No brazil, country that has an energy matrix that is already predominantly renewable, the advancement of this transition is inevitable and necessary. However, the social impacts of this process are profound and unequal, affecting vulnerable populations most heavily. Ensuring that the energy transition is fair requires the implementation of public policies that promote social and regional inclusion, avoiding the worsening of existing inequalities. In this context, the role of the State becomes essential to ensure that access to clean energy is equitable and beneficial for all social groups. ...
Challenges to economic growth in the energy transition: impacts on the Brazilian industrial sector
Americas, Brazil

Challenges to economic growth in the energy transition: impacts on the Brazilian industrial sector

The energy transition is a global imperative to mitigate the effects of climate change and promote sustainable development. However, for the Brazilian industrial sector, essa transição apresenta desafios complexos que podem impactar diretamente o crescimento econômico. Brazil, embora esteja avançado em termos de fontes renováveis de energia, enfrenta a necessidade de uma modernização tecnológica ampla para que sua indústria se mantenha competitiva em um mercado global cada vez mais focado na descarbonização e na eficiência energética. A não adaptação a esse novo cenário pode comprometer sua competitividade internacional, ao mesmo tempo em que os custos de adaptação colocam uma pressão significativa sobre as empresas. Um dos principais desafios para a indústria brasileir...