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The need to integrate Brazil into regional agendas: the case of CELAC
Americas, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

The need to integrate Brazil into regional agendas: the case of CELAC

In 1983 Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela created a forum to mediate armed conflicts in Central America. At the time, the need for them to create forums for direct dialogue became clear., without the intermediation of other countries, if they really wanted to overcome the conflicts. It became known as the Contadora Group. (name of the island of Panama on which the meeting took place). In 1985 Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay joined the group and, created the Permanent Mechanism for Political Consultation and Conciliation in Latin America and the Caribbean, also known as the Rio Group. The Rio Group is not an international organization per se, insofar as it does not have a secretariat responsible for implementing and monitoring the proposals. However, it is an important space for concertation ...
Plan Colombia Grows and its impact on Venezuela
Americas, Colombia, U.S, Venezuela

Plan Colombia Grows and its impact on Venezuela

Photo: Instagram / Iván Duque In August (2020) the launch of the Colombia Crece Plan was announced, result of military cooperation between the governments of Colombia and the United States and focused on combating drug trafficking. It can be said that it is a second phase of Plan Colombia, responsible for the injection of USD 7 billion in Colombia between 2000 e 2016. The agreement comes at a time when Colombia is experiencing alarming levels of violence. Have already been registered in the country, only in 2020, 46 massacres and over a thousand murdered social leaders. Until recently, the FARC dominated the interior of the country and, with peace agreements, it would be up to the Colombian State to "reoccupy" that space. However, the Colombian state is clearly weak in the interior, with a clear absence of public policies that ...