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For a South American integration
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, OAS, Paraguay, Uruguay

For a South American integration

The leaders of the South American countries were in Brasilia for a meeting called by the Brazilian government. Regional cooperation and integration were the subjects discussed. The document released after the meeting, of nine paragraphs, announces only one decision: to establish a contact group, led by chancellors, for evaluating the experiences of South American integration mechanisms and the elaboration of a “road map” for the integration of South America. The need for South American integration is far from being a new issue. By the way, the very name of that portion of the Earth, "South America", already comes from an attempt to overcome concepts imposed from outside to within the region, as North Americans “Western Hemisphere”, or “Pan-Americanism”, in...
The need to integrate Brazil into regional agendas: the case of CELAC
Americas, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

The need to integrate Brazil into regional agendas: the case of CELAC

In 1983 Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela created a forum to mediate armed conflicts in Central America. At the time, the need for them to create forums for direct dialogue became clear., without the intermediation of other countries, if they really wanted to overcome the conflicts. It became known as the Contadora Group. (name of the island of Panama on which the meeting took place). In 1985 Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay joined the group and, created the Permanent Mechanism for Political Consultation and Conciliation in Latin America and the Caribbean, also known as the Rio Group. The Rio Group is not an international organization per se, insofar as it does not have a secretariat responsible for implementing and monitoring the proposals. However, it is an important space for concertation ...
The agreement between the European Union and Mercosur
Germany, Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Europe, Mercosur, International Organizations, Paraguay, European Union, Uruguay

The agreement between the European Union and Mercosur

Authors: Bruna Barrento and Maria Julia Zito In the South American scenario, the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) consists of a customs union between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. In this sense, the members of this agreement have common external tariffs. Whereas in the European scenario, the European Union consists of a political and economic union with free movement of people, services and capital between 27 economies of Europe. It should be added that such unions constitute a mostly economic relationship. In addition, in 2019, the EU presented itself as Mercosur's second largest trading partner. Thereby, it was decided to establish a macrostructure to support the relationship between the two blocks. Thus, since 1999, negotiations have started on the elaboration of an agreement that f ...