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Global Themes

Global Themes

Reconstruction of Ukraine with Russian assets: legal implications and risks for global trust

The European Union (EU) está considerando a utilização dos recursos russos congelados como uma forma de financiar a reconstrução da Ucrânia, país devastado pela guerra. Embora a intenção por trás dessa medida possa ser vista como nobre, visando aliviar o sofrimento ucraniano e contribuir para a estabilidade regional, essa ação levanta sérias preocupações sobre a confiança nos regimes internacionais e no respeito ao direito internacional. Firstly, a ideia de utilizar ativos congelados de outro país para fins de reparação é inédita em muitos aspectos e desafia o entendimento tradicional do direito internacional. Usually, os ativos congelados são mantidos em um estado de suspensão como medida de pressão diplomática ou econômica, sem que haja a sua apropriação permanente. Segun...
Expansion of the security council and the Brazilian position: a game of global interests
Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S, Europe, France, UK, Russia, Global Themes

Expansion of the security council and the Brazilian position: a game of global interests

Brazil, in a bold diplomatic initiative, recently proposed significant changes to the structure of the UN Security Council, calling for the end of the veto power (at least temporarily) and the inclusion of eleven new permanent members. This movement reflects not only a search for greater recognition of Brazil on the international stage, but also an attempt to reform a structure that many see as obsolete and not representative of current geopolitical reality. The Brazilian proposition, according to sources such as the UOL portal, suggests that the suspension of the veto power, a prerogative of the five current permanent members (U.S, UK, France, China and Russia), whether for a period of 15 years. The argument is that this would allow for more decision-making..
The importance of UN Security Council reform: enlargement of membership and veto power
Americas, Brazil, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations, Global Themes

The importance of UN Security Council reform: enlargement of membership and veto power

The United Nations Security Council (CSNU) plays a crucial role in maintaining international peace and security. However, many argue that its current structure does not reflect contemporary geopolitical reality and does not meet emerging global demands. In this context, it becomes crucial to discuss and implement a UN Security Council reform that not only expands the number of members, but also grant these new members veto power. This holistic approach is necessary to ensure the representativeness and effectiveness of this international body.. expansion of members: A reform of the UN Security Council that involves expanding the number of members is essential to reflect the current geopolitical reality. The council was established in 1945...
How a possible return of the extreme right in Italy could imply the entry of companies in the region
Global Themes

How a possible return of the extreme right in Italy could imply the entry of companies in the region

Giorgia Meloni in photo by Alessandra Tarantino/Associated Press By Beatriz Albino dos Santos and Cristina Sesso The socioeconomic transformations resulting from the First World War, caused political movements of a nationalist character to come to power in 20th century Italy. A context in which deep economic crises were taking place in German and Italian territory, resulting from the obstacles of the Great War, led to the establishment of a network of political opportunities, cultural and social, being quickly filled by the fascist movement. Like this, the peace accords consolidated at Versailles were seen, for many Italian nationalists, as undue, as a result of the idea that their efforts as a nation during the war were not understood, in a per...
Global Themes

Impacts of COVID-19 on European Tourism

In 2019, the European travel and tourism industry contributed 2.191 billions of dollars of the GDP of Europe, according to the statist. Yet, in 2020, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector was one of the most affected by the restrictive measures to contain the virus, representing 1.064 billions of dollars of European GDP. After approximately a year and a half, despite the presence of the coronavirus, Europe tries to reopen its borders and, consequently, estimular o setor com o início da vacinação. Antes da crise de saúde, in 2019, the travel and tourism sector represented 10,4% of world GDP with consecutive growth in European GDP since 2012, which also reflected in job creation in Europe. There are approximately 20 years, o continente vem sendo o principal destino de viagens ...
What are the Ningyos?
Asia, Japan, Global Themes

What are the Ningyos?

Ningyo - Photo Fausto Godoy On the date that the “Girls' Day” is celebrated, in Japan, let's look at the figure of the Ningyos. To begin, we have to understand that they are not dolls for children to play, but “fetishes” on which parents focus their hope that they will have a good future. And what are the messages they convey? Traditional Japanese society worships very definite values ​​for men and women. These values, that are still very ingrained, especially among older people, flow from the History and traditions that govern coexistence, at all social levels. What are these values? Those who define male behavior have their roots in “bushido”, which can be translated as “the warrior's path”, that is, o samurai. O Bushidō -...
British breach of Brexit agreements
Europe, International Organizations, UK, Global Themes, European Union

British breach of Brexit agreements

Authors Mariana Clemente and Lara Cristal Gonçalves In the year of 2017, the United Kingdom initiated a process of withdrawal from the European, called "Brexi", is at 31 January 2020, became the first country to carry it out. After that date, over a period of 11 months were and will be agreed on treaties and negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European bloc. In October of this year, the English country was accused of breaching and violating agreements with the EU, causing the block to seek to process it. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the decision at a meeting, of a brief statement in which he regretted that the Boris Johnson Government had breached its obligation and violated the terms of the Northern Ireland protocol, when presenting a draft of the Law of the Me ...
Joe Biden's Asia
Americas, Asia, BRICS, China, U.S, India, International Organizations, Global Themes

Joe Biden's Asia

Joe Biden (US President) e Xi Jinping (President from China) at a meeting in China in 2013 - AP Photo Lintao Zhang Asia has traditionally been an enigma for American administrations, who find partners in the region - or not - with the dimension of China, India, Japan and South Korea, economic giants whose long shared history reveals nuances and presents challenges that go beyond the simplistic Western ideal of “Trump style”. From you, over the past century, Asian countries have chosen regional security as a priority in their relationship with the United States. From the end of II the War, Americans are committed to ensuring peacekeeping in the eastern Pacific. This commitment is before the State rather than the government, as evidenced by “Taiw ...
Elections in the United States 2020: the health system from the perspective of presidential candidates
Americas, U.S, Global Themes

Elections in the United States 2020: the health system from the perspective of presidential candidates

The election for President of the United States will take place in 2020, in a year of great global instability, mainly caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and developments in the economy. According to John Hopkins University data (2020),  the United States already adds up to more than 160.000 deaths and more 5.4 millions infected by the new coronavirus. The country represents 24% of Covid-19 cases worldwide and 22% of deaths from the disease. Studies indicate that, with rising unemployment, between February and March 2020, 5.4 millions of people lost their health insurance, representing a growth of 39% of people without health plans (GANGOPADHYAYA; GARRETT, 2020). The data exposes the profound impact of the pandemic on access to the health system, being one of the main concerns ...
NAVROZ, the new year parsi
Afghanistan, Asia, Europe, India, Will, Middle East, UK, Global Themes, Turkmenistan

NAVROZ, the new year parsi

On the last day 16 of august the parsi community of india celebrated the Navroz, your new year, the day she commits herself to renewing hope. Homes are neatly arranged, individuals wear new clothes, exchange gifts and make donations to charities. Nothing much different from Christian Christmas. Tradition of 3000 years, the parsi New Year holiday was created by the prophet Zoroaster, according to legend. But, who are zoroastrians and parsis? Zoroastrianism is considered the oldest of the known monotheistic religions, although there are controversies in this regard. It started with the revelations of Zarathustra, whom the Greeks called Zoroaster. There is not much information about your life; believed to have been born in Sogdiana, no r...