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Paulo Roberto da Silva Gomes Filho – World map
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ISSN 2674-8053 | Receive article updates on Telegram:

Author: Paulo Roberto da Silva Gomes Filho

Army Cavalry Officer, graduated from the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras, in 1990. He was commander of the 11th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment, in Ponta Porã / MS; instructor at the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras, the School for the Improvement of Officers and the Army Command and Staff School. Currently serves on the Ground Operations Command - RATE - in Brasília / DF. Published articles are of personal opinion. Does not speak on behalf of the Army. The ideas expressed here are the result of his professional experience and the studies he carried out.
Global Community of Shared Future: China's grand strategy for the formation of a new International Order
Asia, China

Global Community of Shared Future: China's grand strategy for the formation of a new International Order

 1. Introduction This analysis aims to present three official documents that, among others, form the Grand Strategy of the People's Republic of China. Those that most directly relate to the area of ​​Security and Defense and that impact Brazilian Foreign Policy were chosen., consequently being of interest for the planning and execution of the international activities of the Brazilian Army. These are the documents “Global Community of Shared Future”, “Belt and Road Initiative” and “Global Security Initiative”. Chairman Xi Jinping, from China, has a very clear idea of ​​the direction in which he wants to take the country under his leadership. He has already synthesized his desire through the formulation of the “Chinese dream” represented by the “great revitalization....
Europe wakes up: the threat of Trump and the rebirth of European Defense
Americas, U.S, Europe, International Organizations, OTAN, Russia

Europe wakes up: the threat of Trump and the rebirth of European Defense

The former president and virtual presidential candidate for the Republican Party in the next United States elections, Donald Trump, provoked a political shockwave among the European allies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (OTAN). In a campaign speech, Trump declared that he had warned the leader of “an important European country” that, if he failed to pay his financial obligations to the Alliance, he, as President of the USA, would refuse to defend the European country against a potential Russian invasion. Trump even suggested that, in this case, could encourage Russia to “do whatever it wants”. When mentioning non-compliance with financial obligations, Trump refers to the Alliance directive, created at a summit held in Wales, e...
500 days of war in ukraine
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Europe, UK, Russia, Ukraine

500 days of war in ukraine

Today, complete each other 500 days since Russian troops crossed Ukrainian borders, in 24 February of last year, in what they predicted would be a fulminating military action, with which they hoped to defeat the Ukrainian army, removing President Zelensky from power and replacing him with a ruler “friendly” to the Russian regime. The Russian invasion is blatantly illegal. Contrary, not minimum, three instruments of International Law to which the country is a signatory. The first is the UN Charter, specifically as provided for in no. 4 of article 2, which provides that “Members (da him) shall avoid in their international relations the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political dependence of any State.”. The second is the Budapest Memorandum, of 1994, in which Great...
For a South American integration
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, OAS, Paraguay, Uruguay

For a South American integration

The leaders of the South American countries were in Brasilia for a meeting called by the Brazilian government. Regional cooperation and integration were the subjects discussed. The document released after the meeting, of nine paragraphs, announces only one decision: to establish a contact group, led by chancellors, for evaluating the experiences of South American integration mechanisms and the elaboration of a “road map” for the integration of South America. The need for South American integration is far from being a new issue. By the way, the very name of that portion of the Earth, "South America", already comes from an attempt to overcome concepts imposed from outside to within the region, as North Americans “Western Hemisphere”, or “Pan-Americanism”, inspires....
Finland and Sweden in NATO
Europe, Finland, International Organizations, OTAN, Sweden

Finland and Sweden in NATO

REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration the president of russia, Putin stated that, always made it quite clear that the main reason for the invasion of Ukraine was the threat that the country's possible NATO membership posed to Russia's security. The strong objection must not be, only, the fact that Ukraine is a country closely linked to Russia, with common historical roots, that would be moving away from the orbit of Russian influence towards the Western Alliance and the European Union. But, mainly, always according to President Putin's line of reasoning, it would be another step in NATO's continued expansion towards Russian borders.. After all, former former soviet republics, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, in addition to former Warsaw Pact allies, Poland, Bulgaria, Rom...
Tensions in Ukraine
Europe, Russia, Ukraine

Tensions in Ukraine

Since November last year, the world has witnessed the intensification of tensions between Russia, like in C. (like in C.), like in C. 100 like in C., like in C., like in C., like in C.. like in C., like in C.. like in C., like in C., like in C., with serious consequences for Europe itself and for the whole world....
The new US military alliance, UK and Australia
Americas, Asia, Australia, China, U.S, Europe, Oceania, UK

The new US military alliance, UK and Australia

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, US President Joe Biden and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (Photo montage) In day 15 of September, a statement made by President Joe Biden, with the virtual participation of British prime ministers, Boris Johnson, and Australian, Scott Morrison, caused protests from China and indignation in France: US and UK agreed to transfer to Australia the technology needed for the local production of nuclear-powered submarines. Chinese protests are understandable. After all, although the name of China was not mentioned at any time, it is obvious that Australia's possession of nuclear submarines is intended to contain the emerging Asian power, holder of the largest Navy in the world in terms of number of resources...
Twenty years from the September 11 attacks 2001 to the United States of America
Americas, U.S

Twenty years from the September 11 attacks 2001 to the United States of America

For those over thirty, 11 September 2001 it's an unforgettable day. Few are the events unrelated to our personal lives that are etched in our memory in such a way that we remember exactly what we were doing when we received the news. In my case there are people, only two such events: the death of Ayrton Senna and the attacks that celebrate today's twenty years. The impact was huge due to the 2.977 dead, of 77 different nationalities (inclusive 5 Brazilians) and about 6 thousand injured, of gigantic financial losses, of surprise, of originality, it's because, even intuitively, people knew that from that moment on, the world would be different. After all, the United States of America was, at the time, the only superpower on the planet. Lived....
Cemetery of Empires
Afghanistan, Americas, Asia, China, U.S

Cemetery of Empires

US Air Force plane take off at Kabul Airport The scene looked familiar to Americans.. A helicopter of its Armed Forces flew over the US Embassy in a distant country, picked up passengers for a hasty evacuation, while the enemy approached from all sides. the troops, after long war, are returning home unable to celebrate the victory. The similarities between the Saigon retreat, at the end of the Vietnam War, and the withdrawal from Kabul last Sunday, 15 of August, marking the end of the Afghan War, are obvious and inescapable. Everything happened at an amazing speed. On an offensive of about ten days, the Taliban conquered all the provincial capitals and reached the capital of Afghanistan, obscene. O President Ashraf Ghani fugiu pa...
NATO and the shifts in the balance of world power
Europe, International Organizations, OTAN, Russia

NATO and the shifts in the balance of world power

Photo: REUTERS / Ints Kalnins On the last day 14 of June, the heads of government of 30 Allied countries that make up NATO met in Brussels. Reading the statement(1) provides a good understanding of how the most powerful military alliance in history views the current global situation., what threats they identify and what paths they will chart in defense matters, always keeping in view the three fundamental tasks of the Alliance: provide collective security, manage crises and strengthen security cooperation. Allies identify threats from all strategic directions, represented by the systemic competition of "authoritarian and assertive" powers; terrorism; state and non-state actors acting to undermine international order, where is....