Jair Messias Bolsonaro and the “agent provocateur”
Jair Bolsonaro - Photo by Fabio Rodrigues Pozzebom / Agência Brasi
“Agent provocateur” is the name that political science gives to that agitator who infiltrated the enemy's hosts, causes immense damage. It is not known where it comes from, but it is known that it will cause a fatal accident to one side. Sim, the president has already had an accident in the interior of Minas Gerais where the suspect is an “agent provocateur”.
During the Revolution of 64, the army, the Navy and Air Force bear the full burden of supporting the counter revolution from sectors of the left, including with their armed positions and that appealing with violence they tried to destabilize the rulers of the time - the military. So it was 64 a 85.
On that occasion, Bolsonaro took a courageous and constant stand in defense of his colleagues in uniform....