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European Union

Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system
Americas, Cuba, U.S, Europe, Will, International Organizations, Middle East, Russia, European Union, Venezuela

Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system

The dominance of the international monetary and financial system by the United States and Europe constitutes one of the most significant manifestations of power on the contemporary world stage.. This article explores how this joint hegemony has been employed as an economic weapon against countries that challenge Western interests., illustrating the impacts of this dynamic through concrete examples such as Cuba, Russia, Iran and Venezuela. In Cuba, the prolonged imposition of sanctions by the US, with tacit support from European allies, underlines the West's ability to economically isolate a country. The embargo, reinforced by international financial measures, not only severely restricts the Cuban economy, but also its ability to operate within the global financial system, obviously...
Decarbonization and diplomacy: the dilemma of the Mercosur-European Union agreement
Mercosur, International Organizations, European Union

Decarbonization and diplomacy: the dilemma of the Mercosur-European Union agreement

The complex board of international negotiations gains another layer of challenge by intertwining the urgency of global decarbonization with economic ambitions. In this scenario, the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union emerges as a stage for tensions between sustainability and economic growth, highlighting a dissonance between environmental discourse and business practices. A key element in this equation is France's stance, led by President Emmanuel Macron, which he recently stated in an interview with the French newspaper Le Monde, "We will not impose more efforts on our country than we are already committed to", highlighting the resistance to adding new barriers to the agreement, mainly related to stricter environmental standards. Esta declaração reflete um ponto crítico ...
Military cooperation with Ukraine: a risky move?
Germany, Americas, U.S, Europe, France, International Organizations, Russia, Ukraine, European Union

Military cooperation with Ukraine: a risky move?

The recent intensification of military cooperation between the United States, Europe and Ukraine have been a topic of heated debate on the international stage. This collaboration, despite aiming to strengthen Ukraine in the face of external threats, carries significant risks, could lead to an escalation of conflict in the region. Besides that, the lack of an aligned strategy between the countries involved adds a layer of complexity and uncertainty to the situation. One of the main arguments against such intensive cooperation is the danger of conflict escalation.. Military actions, when they are not completely coordinated or are perceived as provocations, can lead to aggressive responses from other nations, especially from Russia, which sees the approach of NATO and the West to Ukraine with...
Mercosur-European Union Agreement: obstacles and protectionism
Americas, Brazil, International Organizations, European Union

Mercosur-European Union Agreement: obstacles and protectionism

The long road to ratification of the trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union has been marked by obstacles and controversies, especially on the European side. This article aims to explore the challenges faced, focusing on European concerns and the emerging protectionism that is shaping the bloc's trade policy. The European Union has faced internal and external criticism for its stance on the agreement. Environmental groups and farmers have exerted significant pressure on European governments, arguing that the agreement could have negative impacts on the environment and local agricultural production. Concern about deforestation in the Amazon and Brazil's compliance with environmental standards has been a key point in this debate. Sources with...
Green tax: Germany's move for competitive advantages in the EU and impacts on the Global South
Germany, Europe, International Organizations, European Union

Green tax: Germany's move for competitive advantages in the EU and impacts on the Global South

Germany’s recent adoption of the green tax, a strategic move to gain competitive advantages within the European Union (EU), illustrates the complexity and contradictions in its relations with other members of the bloc and with the Global South. This article explores how this German environmental policy affects not only the internal balance of the EU, but also its dynamics with developing countries. The Germany, an economic force in the EU, has historically exerted a significant influence on the bloc's policies. The introduction of the green tax, part of a broader effort to combat climate change, puts Germany in a unique position, potentially advantageous in terms of economic competitiveness. This policy is designed to encourage sustainable practices..
“Mercosur-EU agreement at crossroads: diplomacy, trade and sustainability
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Europe, France, Mercosur, International Organizations, European Union

“Mercosur-EU agreement at crossroads: diplomacy, trade and sustainability

The trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, although it was signed in 2019, still faces significant challenges in its implementation. This agreement, What would it cover? 32 countries and would create the largest free trade bloc in the world, with a combined GDP of around US$ 20 trillions, is in a delicate stage of negotiations and revisions. One of the main obstacles to the progress of the agreement is the environmental issue. The France, led by President Emmanuel Macron, has been a critical voice, emphasizing the need for robust guarantees related to compliance with the Paris Agreement on climate change. Macron, recently, described the Mercosur-EU agreement as outdated and contradictory to environmental policies, from both France and Brazil. This stance reflects ...
world water reserves: the challenge between solution and domination
Americas, Asia, Canada, China, U.S, International Organizations, European Union

world water reserves: the challenge between solution and domination

Proper management of water resources is a global challenge due to increasing water scarcity in many regions of the world.. In an effort to address this critical issue, some countries like Canada, China, United States and the members of the European Union have sought to create supranational rules for the management of water reserves. The creation of supranational rules is understood as a strategy to face the question insofar as it allows: International cooperation: Water is a transboundary resource, and many river basins span multiple countries. The creation of supranational rules aims to promote cooperation between nations to face common challenges in the management of water reserves, like scarcity, pollution and equitable distribution of water resources..
The role of renewable energy in the energy crisis
Europe, France, International Organizations, UK, Russia, European Union

The role of renewable energy in the energy crisis

By Ana Luisa Munhoz Mastromauro and Maíra Figueredo Gomes “The energy crisis can be a turning point to accelerate clean sources and to form a sustainable and secure energy system”, said Faith Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (AIE), in september 2022. Faith also stated that renewable energy capacity and installation is being accelerated in many countries across Europe., with the aim of lowering the value and cutting the licensing of Russian gas, being these consequences of the war with Ukraine. Firstly, it is noteworthy that this confrontation made energy security an increasingly frequent agenda, after all, hindering the respect for otherness so necessary for the coexistence between nations, being the world's second largest exporter of natural gas, was responsible for half of imports..
Inflation records in the Eurozone: causes and consequences
International Organizations, European Union

Inflation records in the Eurozone: causes and consequences

By Laura Cariolin and Sofia Ornelas Moreira Amidst a context of war, instability and energy insecurity, the European Union faces another challenge: contain rising inflation, which breaks records in the Eurozone. After the European currency fell below the dollar in August, Eurostat confirmed, In September, an inflation of 9,1% per year (Reuters, 2022), the biggest since its inception. By analyzing individual countries in the bloc, it is possible to find examples such as Estonia, which showed an inflation of 23,2% a year in july (STATISTA, 2022). Based on this information, the need to identify the causes and consequences of the danger that threatens the old continent is perceptible. With this drastic rise in inflation, all countries are disadvantaged. With the increase of ...
The Impact of the War in Ukraine on NATO and the European Union
International Organizations, OTAN, European Union

The Impact of the War in Ukraine on NATO and the European Union

By Karen Laura Feliciano and Laura Cariolin The Ukrainian War caused profound changes in the countries' relationship with international economic organizations and blocs.. In this context, two situations stand out: that of NATO and the European Union. The entry of new countries generated an intense debate, and destabilized interactions between states, having as one of the protagonists, in both cases, in Turkey. In the context of NATO, the entry of Sweden and Finland into the organization was stopped by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, while Ukraine's entry into the European Union was criticized by Turkey, that seeks to enter the block since 1999 (GERMAN WAVE, [s.d.]). Thus, it is clear that the War in Ukraine impacted the expansion of the EU and NATO. With regard to NATO, to its...