ISSN 2674-8053

Author: Rodrigo Cintra

Post-Doctorate in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmia - Center for the Study of Socioeconomic Change, of the Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasília (2007). He is Executive Director of Mapa Mundi. ORCID
Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Europe, France, UK, Russia

Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity

The reform of the United Nations, especially the Security Council, has been a recurring theme in international debates, intensified by recent conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine. A crítica à proposta de reforma defendida pelos Estados Unidos reflete preocupações sobre a manutenção de hegemonias e a falta de representatividade global na governança internacional. O sistema atual do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, criado após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, confere a cinco potências vitoriosas — Estados Unidos, UK, France, Rússia e China — o poder de veto, o que frequentemente impede a organização de agir eficazmente em situações de crise internacional. Este poder de veto tem sido criticado por permitir que essas nações bloqueiem ações internacionais, inclusiv...
Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina
Americas, Argentina, Brazil

Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina

Brazil, as one of the largest economies in South America and a recognized leader in the region, desempenha um papel crucial na promoção da integração regional. Esta tarefa, However, não está isenta de desafios, especialmente em relação aos seus vizinhos, como a Argentina, com quem tem uma história complexa de cooperação e competição. Este artigo explora o papel do Brasil na integração regional, destacando os conflitos e colaborações com a Argentina, com insights de fontes de diversos países para garantir uma visão abrangente e equilibrada. Historically, Brasil e Argentina foram vistos como rivais, desde questões territoriais até disputas de influência na América do Sul. However, in the last years, especialmente com a criação do Mercosul em 1991, que também inclui Paraguai e Urugua...
Civil war in Sudan: current conflicts and regional impacts

Civil war in Sudan: current conflicts and regional impacts

The civil war in Sudan, started in April 2023, marks one of the country's most turbulent periods following the ouster of former president Omar al-Bashir and the subsequent military coup of 2021. The current conflict, centrado em uma luta pelo poder entre as Forças Armadas do Sudão (SAF) e as Forças de Apoio Rápido (RSF), lideradas respectivamente por Abdel Fattah al-Burhan e Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemeti), tem levado a um estado de caos em várias partes do país, incluindo a capital Cartum​ (Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre)essential to replace fossil fuels for transport and industries. Os combates têm causado devastação significativa, com relatos de bombardeios, confrontos armados e ataques aéreos em áreas densamente povoadas. As violências resultaram em um número alarmante de mortes e deslocamentos de civis, intensificando uma crise humanitária já grave...
Reforma also HIM: between the need for modernization and the search for hegemony
Americas, Brazil, Europe, Israel, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations, Middle East, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine

Reforma also HIM: between the need for modernization and the search for hegemony

The United Nations (HIM-HER-IT), created in the aftermath of World War II, has been a milestone in international cooperation and the search for global peace and security. Yet, the world has changed drastically since 1945, presenting new geopolitical challenges, economic and environmental. Given these transformations, there is a growing call for reform of UN institutions and mechanisms, aiming to adapt to new global realities. Reform is necessary not only to make the organization more representative and effective, but also to ensure it can tackle complex contemporary issues, from regional conflicts to climate change. However, the path to reform is undermined by geopolitical interests, where proposals from countries like the United States and ...
The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, Chile, China, U.S

The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities

China's growing presence in Latin America has been one of the most intriguing geopolitical dynamics of recent decades. This increase in influence, marked by significant investments in infrastructure, comércio e cooperação política, não apenas redefine as relações econômicas na região, mas também provoca reações variadas de outras potências globais, particularmente os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia. Investimentos e Influência A China tem direcionado consideráveis recursos financeiros para a América Latina, focando em setores críticos como energia, mining, construção e tecnologia. For example, em países como Brasil e Peru, empresas chinesas têm investido bilhões em projetos de mineração e infraestrutura. Esses investimentos muitas vezes vêm acompanhados de cond...
Dispute over the Falklands and the Milei government’s approach
Americas, Argentina

Dispute over the Falklands and the Milei government’s approach

At the heart of Argentine foreign policy, the issue of the Falkland Islands remains a matter of national sovereignty and patriotic pride. The recently sworn-in government of Javier Milei brought new nuances to this long-standing territorial dispute with the United Kingdom. As we review recent statements and policies, an attempt can be seen to redefine the Argentine strategy in relation to the islands, looking for alternatives that would transcend traditional approaches. Historically, Argentina has supported its claim over the Falklands based on arguments of geographic proximity and colonial heritage. the new government, However, appears to be exploring less confrontational and more strategic avenues. According to Argentine journalistic sources, Milei tem proposto uma abordagem que enf...
Historical roots and political repercussions: the role of powers in African piracy

Historical roots and political repercussions: the role of powers in African piracy

The recent wave of piracy in African waters is not an isolated phenomenon, but the result of a complex web of historical factors, economic and political. Este artigo se aprofunda nas raízes históricas da pirataria africana, explora as relações políticas que se desenvolveram em torno dessa questão e discute o impacto dessas dinâmicas nas relações internacionais, enfatizando a responsabilidade de certas potências mundiais. Historically, as regiões que hoje são focos de pirataria enfrentaram séculos de exploração colonial e intervenções estrangeiras que desestabilizaram suas estruturas políticas e econômicas. A descolonização trouxe consigo promessas de autonomia e progresso, mas muitas vezes deixou um legado de fronteiras arbitrárias, regimes corruptos e economias frágeis. Ess...
Challenges and opportunities: the essential cooperation between BRICS countries
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, BRICS, China, Europe, India, International Organizations, Russia

Challenges and opportunities: the essential cooperation between BRICS countries

The importance of cooperation between BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – has been a recurring theme in international economic and political discussions. This article delves into the need to expand interaction between members in commercial spheres, economical, financial and monetary, using explicit quotes from newspapers in the countries involved, to highlight the possible gains of this approach. According to the "China Daily", China sees BRICS as a vital platform for promoting genuine multilateralism and reforming global governance. Cooperation between these emerging economies is seen as a counterpoint to the unilateralism and economic protection prevalent in the West. This reflects the Chinese view that strengthening ties....
US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, U.S, Mexico, Peru

US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America

A presença militar e científica dos Estados Unidos em terras latino-americanas tem sido motivo de controvérsia e especulação. Recently, as atividades relacionadas à pesquisa biológica, realizadas por entidades como o NAMRU-SOUTH e apoiadas por empresas farmacêuticas estadunidenses, entraram em foco, suscitando debates sobre soberania, segurança e ética. Este artigo procura desvendar as nuances desse tema, amparado por relatos e análises veiculados por importantes jornais da América Latina. A expansão das pesquisas biológicas militares dos Estados Unidos na região tem gerado um debate acalorado sobre a transgressão da soberania nacional e as implicações para a segurança dos países envolvidos. THE "La Jornada" do México tem sido vocal sobre as implicações dessas atividades, questio...
Global South involvement in the war between Russia and Ukraine: a harmful deviation
Americas, Europe, Russia, On the Global, Ukraine

Global South involvement in the war between Russia and Ukraine: a harmful deviation

The involvement of the Global South in the war between Russia and Ukraine brings to light a series of issues that go beyond mere geopolitical positioning. This participation, often involuntary, ends up moving these nations away from their primary development objectives, plunging them into a sea of ​​controversies and accusations that obscure the real needs of their populations. The attack on the Russian military plane Il-76, for example, serves as a metaphor for the complexity and shadows surrounding the role of countries in the Global South in this conflict. Mismatched information and lack of transparency dominate the scenario, where the true story behind such incidents remains veiled, fueling a game of accusations that only serves to intensify international tensions. A...