ISSN 2674-8053


Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina
Americas, Argentina, Brazil

Brazil's role in promoting greater regional integration: analysis of conflicts with Argentina

Brazil, as one of the largest economies in South America and a recognized leader in the region, desempenha um papel crucial na promoção da integração regional. Esta tarefa, However, não está isenta de desafios, especialmente em relação aos seus vizinhos, como a Argentina, com quem tem uma história complexa de cooperação e competição. Este artigo explora o papel do Brasil na integração regional, destacando os conflitos e colaborações com a Argentina, com insights de fontes de diversos países para garantir uma visão abrangente e equilibrada. Historically, Brasil e Argentina foram vistos como rivais, desde questões territoriais até disputas de influência na América do Sul. However, in the last years, especialmente com a criação do Mercosul em 1991, que também inclui Paraguai e Urugua...
The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, Chile, China, U.S

The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities

China's growing presence in Latin America has been one of the most intriguing geopolitical dynamics of recent decades. This increase in influence, marked by significant investments in infrastructure, comércio e cooperação política, não apenas redefine as relações econômicas na região, mas também provoca reações variadas de outras potências globais, particularmente os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia. Investimentos e Influência A China tem direcionado consideráveis recursos financeiros para a América Latina, focando em setores críticos como energia, mining, construção e tecnologia. For example, em países como Brasil e Peru, empresas chinesas têm investido bilhões em projetos de mineração e infraestrutura. Esses investimentos muitas vezes vêm acompanhados de cond...
Dispute over the Falklands and the Milei government’s approach
Americas, Argentina

Dispute over the Falklands and the Milei government’s approach

At the heart of Argentine foreign policy, the issue of the Falkland Islands remains a matter of national sovereignty and patriotic pride. The recently sworn-in government of Javier Milei brought new nuances to this long-standing territorial dispute with the United Kingdom. As we review recent statements and policies, an attempt can be seen to redefine the Argentine strategy in relation to the islands, looking for alternatives that would transcend traditional approaches. Historically, Argentina has supported its claim over the Falklands based on arguments of geographic proximity and colonial heritage. the new government, However, appears to be exploring less confrontational and more strategic avenues. According to Argentine journalistic sources, Milei tem proposto uma abordagem que enf...
US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, U.S, Mexico, Peru

US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America

A presença militar e científica dos Estados Unidos em terras latino-americanas tem sido motivo de controvérsia e especulação. Recently, as atividades relacionadas à pesquisa biológica, realizadas por entidades como o NAMRU-SOUTH e apoiadas por empresas farmacêuticas estadunidenses, entraram em foco, suscitando debates sobre soberania, segurança e ética. Este artigo procura desvendar as nuances desse tema, amparado por relatos e análises veiculados por importantes jornais da América Latina. A expansão das pesquisas biológicas militares dos Estados Unidos na região tem gerado um debate acalorado sobre a transgressão da soberania nacional e as implicações para a segurança dos países envolvidos. THE "La Jornada" do México tem sido vocal sobre as implicações dessas atividades, questio...
Brazilian leadership in South America: current challenges and perspectives
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, China, Uruguay, Venezuela

Brazilian leadership in South America: current challenges and perspectives

Brazil, Historically recognized as a leader in South America, currently faces significant challenges in its foreign policy, reflecting a reduced ability to influence regional events. Analyzing recent developments, we can observe how the current Brazilian administration deals with complex issues involving neighboring countries, like Venezuela, Argentina and Uruguay, each presenting different scenarios. The relationship with Venezuela, under the government of Nicolás Maduro, remains a critical point. Historically, the two countries maintained strong ties, but recent internal political tensions in Venezuela and international criticism of the Maduro regime pose challenges to Brazilian diplomacy. Despite being ideological allies, the inability of the ...
“Mercosur-EU agreement at crossroads: diplomacy, trade and sustainability
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Europe, France, Mercosur, International Organizations, European Union

“Mercosur-EU agreement at crossroads: diplomacy, trade and sustainability

The trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, although it was signed in 2019, still faces significant challenges in its implementation. This agreement, What would it cover? 32 countries and would create the largest free trade bloc in the world, with a combined GDP of around US$ 20 trillions, is in a delicate stage of negotiations and revisions. One of the main obstacles to the progress of the agreement is the environmental issue. The France, led by President Emmanuel Macron, has been a critical voice, emphasizing the need for robust guarantees related to compliance with the Paris Agreement on climate change. Macron, recently, described the Mercosur-EU agreement as outdated and contradictory to environmental policies, from both France and Brazil. This stance reflects ...
For a South American integration
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, OAS, Paraguay, Uruguay

For a South American integration

The leaders of the South American countries were in Brasilia for a meeting called by the Brazilian government. Regional cooperation and integration were the subjects discussed. The document released after the meeting, of nine paragraphs, announces only one decision: to establish a contact group, led by chancellors, for evaluating the experiences of South American integration mechanisms and the elaboration of a “road map” for the integration of South America. The need for South American integration is far from being a new issue. By the way, the very name of that portion of the Earth, "South America", already comes from an attempt to overcome concepts imposed from outside to within the region, as North Americans “Western Hemisphere”, or “Pan-Americanism”, in...
The need to integrate Brazil into regional agendas: the case of CELAC
Americas, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

The need to integrate Brazil into regional agendas: the case of CELAC

In 1983 Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Venezuela created a forum to mediate armed conflicts in Central America. At the time, the need for them to create forums for direct dialogue became clear., without the intermediation of other countries, if they really wanted to overcome the conflicts. It became known as the Contadora Group. (name of the island of Panama on which the meeting took place). In 1985 Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay joined the group and, created the Permanent Mechanism for Political Consultation and Conciliation in Latin America and the Caribbean, also known as the Rio Group. The Rio Group is not an international organization per se, insofar as it does not have a secretariat responsible for implementing and monitoring the proposals. However, it is an important space for concertation ...
The ideologization of Brazilian foreign policy: why do we need to relate to everyone?
Americas, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru

The ideologization of Brazilian foreign policy: why do we need to relate to everyone?

Photo: MARTIN BERNETTI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES / BBC News Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro said he will not attend the inauguration of the president-elect in Chile., Gabriel Boric. The inauguration ceremony is scheduled for the day 11/03 and would easily allow Bolsonaro to go, honoring the Chilean government. The reason for this refusal lies in Boric's political position, which is left. It is not the first time that Bolsonaro has refused to go to a presidential inauguration in a Latin American country.. In 2019 Bolsonaro did not attend the inauguration of Argentine Alberto Fernández (note that our 17 In previous years, Brazilian presidents attended the inauguration, given the importance of the country for Brazilian international relations). In 2020 Bolsonaro also did not attend the inauguration of Bolivian Luis Arce, not even sending a rep...
The BRICS Contingent Reserve Agreement as an alternative to Brazil
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, BRICS, International Organizations

The BRICS Contingent Reserve Agreement as an alternative to Brazil

Contribution of each state to the BRICS Contingent Reserve Agreement. In times of global economic crisis it is important for countries to have quick access to international currencies in order to maintain their ability to pay internationally. To a large extent it is this availability of reserves that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) makes available. The problem, in this case, is that the IMF only releases resources through the commitment and implementation of a series of fiscal austerity policies. The IMF's objective is to ensure that the borrowing country is able to repay the resource., but this usually leads to a deepening of the internal economic crisis. (in what economists call pro-cyclical actions). In 2014, in a movement to create alternatives ...