ISSN 2674-8053


Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Europe, France, UK, Russia

Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity

The reform of the United Nations, especially the Security Council, has been a recurring theme in international debates, intensified by recent conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine. Criticism of the reform proposal defended by the United States reflects concerns about the maintenance of hegemonies and the lack of global representation in international governance. O sistema atual do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, criado após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, confere a cinco potências vitoriosas — Estados Unidos, UK, France, Rússia e China — o poder de veto, o que frequentemente impede a organização de agir eficazmente em situações de crise internacional. Este poder de veto tem sido criticado por permitir que essas nações bloqueiem ações internacionais, inclusiv...
The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, Chile, China, U.S

The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities

China's growing presence in Latin America has been one of the most intriguing geopolitical dynamics of recent decades. This increase in influence, marked by significant investments in infrastructure, comércio e cooperação política, não apenas redefine as relações econômicas na região, mas também provoca reações variadas de outras potências globais, particularmente os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia. Investimentos e Influência A China tem direcionado consideráveis recursos financeiros para a América Latina, focando em setores críticos como energia, mining, construção e tecnologia. For example, em países como Brasil e Peru, empresas chinesas têm investido bilhões em projetos de mineração e infraestrutura. Esses investimentos muitas vezes vêm acompanhados de cond...
US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, U.S, Mexico, Peru

US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America

A presença militar e científica dos Estados Unidos em terras latino-americanas tem sido motivo de controvérsia e especulação. Recently, as atividades relacionadas à pesquisa biológica, realizadas por entidades como o NAMRU-SOUTH e apoiadas por empresas farmacêuticas estadunidenses, entraram em foco, suscitando debates sobre soberania, segurança e ética. Este artigo procura desvendar as nuances desse tema, amparado por relatos e análises veiculados por importantes jornais da América Latina. A expansão das pesquisas biológicas militares dos Estados Unidos na região tem gerado um debate acalorado sobre a transgressão da soberania nacional e as implicações para a segurança dos países envolvidos. THE "La Jornada" do México tem sido vocal sobre as implicações dessas atividades, questio...
Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system
Americas, Cuba, U.S, Europe, Will, International Organizations, Middle East, Russia, European Union, Venezuela

Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system

The dominance of the international monetary and financial system by the United States and Europe constitutes one of the most significant manifestations of power on the contemporary world stage.. This article explores how this joint hegemony has been employed as an economic weapon against countries that challenge Western interests., illustrating the impacts of this dynamic through concrete examples such as Cuba, Russia, Iran and Venezuela. In Cuba, the prolonged imposition of sanctions by the US, with tacit support from European allies, underlines the West's ability to economically isolate a country. The embargo, reinforced by international financial measures, not only severely restricts the Cuban economy, but also its ability to operate within the global financial system, obviously...
Military cooperation with Ukraine: a risky move?
Germany, Americas, U.S, Europe, France, International Organizations, Russia, Ukraine, European Union

Military cooperation with Ukraine: a risky move?

The recent intensification of military cooperation between the United States, Europe and Ukraine have been a topic of heated debate on the international stage. This collaboration, despite aiming to strengthen Ukraine in the face of external threats, carries significant risks, could lead to an escalation of conflict in the region. Besides that, the lack of an aligned strategy between the countries involved adds a layer of complexity and uncertainty to the situation. One of the main arguments against such intensive cooperation is the danger of conflict escalation.. Military actions, when they are not completely coordinated or are perceived as provocations, can lead to aggressive responses from other nations, especially from Russia, which sees the approach of NATO and the West to Ukraine with...
Expansion of the security council and the Brazilian position: a game of global interests
Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S, Europe, France, UK, Russia, Global Themes

Expansion of the security council and the Brazilian position: a game of global interests

Brazil, in a bold diplomatic initiative, recently proposed significant changes to the structure of the UN Security Council, calling for the end of the veto power (at least temporarily) and the inclusion of eleven new permanent members. This movement reflects not only a search for greater recognition of Brazil on the international stage, but also an attempt to reform a structure that many see as obsolete and not representative of current geopolitical reality. The Brazilian proposition, according to sources such as the UOL portal, suggests that the suspension of the veto power, a prerogative of the five current permanent members (U.S, UK, France, China and Russia), whether for a period of 15 years. The argument is that this would allow for more decision-making..
External influences and the sovereignty of Latin America
Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S

External influences and the sovereignty of Latin America

To Latin America, region of vast cultural and political diversity, often finds itself in the vortex of geopolitical influences, mainly from China and the United States. This article explores how these powers have shaped, often controversially, the political and economic paradigms in the region, limiting, like this, the development of regional governance models that are authentic and alternative to the established global order. American influence in Latin America has deep historical roots, dating back to the Monroe Doctrine and the Big Stick policy. Traditionally, This influence manifested itself through direct interventions, support for authoritarian regimes or predatory economic policies under the aegis of the so-called Washington Consensus. It is argued that ...
Europe wakes up: the threat of Trump and the rebirth of European Defense
Americas, U.S, Europe, International Organizations, OTAN, Russia

Europe wakes up: the threat of Trump and the rebirth of European Defense

The former president and virtual presidential candidate for the Republican Party in the next United States elections, Donald Trump, provoked a political shockwave among the European allies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (OTAN). In a campaign speech, Trump declared that he had warned the leader of “an important European country” that, if he failed to pay his financial obligations to the Alliance, he, as President of the USA, would refuse to defend the European country against a potential Russian invasion. Trump even suggested that, in this case, could encourage Russia to “do whatever it wants”. When mentioning non-compliance with financial obligations, Trump refers to the Alliance directive, created at a summit meeting held in País de Gal...
American contradictions and the electoral future
Americas, U.S

American contradictions and the electoral future

The current political and social landscape in the United States is fertile ground for in-depth analysis, especially in light of the upcoming elections. This article aims to explore the contradictory internal dynamics of the US, as well as examining the possible impacts of these contradictions on the elections, without forgetting to consider the weaknesses of the American electoral system. Let’s start with political polarization, a phenomenon widely recognized and debated in international media. The divide between Democrats and Republicans, accentuated in recent decades, is reflected not only in political agendas, but also in the social and cultural realities of the country. This polarization has direct implications for elections, influencing everything from the choice of candidates to campaign strategies. The question....
Cyberspace: the new battlefield in the Ukraine war
Americas, U.S, Europe, Ukraine

Cyberspace: the new battlefield in the Ukraine war

The digital era has brought with it a new dimension of confrontations, the cyberspace, turning it into an invisible battlefield, but with palpable repercussions. The current crisis in Ukraine illustrates this reality, highlighting the growing role of hacker groups and the involvement of great powers, in particular, the United States, in the militarization of this new frontier. This article seeks to uncover how the war in Ukraine is serving as the stage for a game of cyber chess, where the USA is, according to some analyzes, using conflict to expand your control and influence. The participation of hacker groups in modern conflicts is not a new phenomenon, but the scale and complexity of operations have increased significantly. Organizations such as Anonymous have already declared involvement...