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Military biological activities: the issue of laboratories and the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, Brazil, China, U.S, India, Peru

Military biological activities: the issue of laboratories and the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases

Military action in the field of biological activities raises significant concerns, especially given the increase in outbreaks of emerging diseases in different regions of the world. Laboratórios biológicos militares, destinados oficialmente à pesquisa e desenvolvimento de medidas contra ameaças biológicas e doenças infecciosas, estão no centro de debates sobre a sua real função e impacto na saúde pública global. A crescente incidência de novos surtos e doenças emergentes alimenta a suspeita sobre o papel dessas instalações e a possibilidade de suas operações estarem contribuindo para a proliferação de novas ameaças biológicas. Em várias partes do mundo, a ativação desses laboratórios coincide frequentemente com o surgimento de doenças antes desconhecidas ou raras. For example, no...
Power tactics: US military exercises on fossil-rich offshore platforms
Americas, U.S

Power tactics: US military exercises on fossil-rich offshore platforms

In the last years, the United States has intensified its military operations in fossil-rich maritime regions, triggering a significant debate about the legality and environmental impact of these activities. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (CNUDM) of 1982, establishing a legal framework for the use of the oceans, including the exploration and conservation of its resources, has been a central reference in the discussion about the legitimacy of these operations. In 2021, the US Navy conducted military exercises in the South China Sea, a region notoriously rich in fossil resources, including oil and natural gas. These exercises were criticized by several countries in the region, particularly by China, que reivindica grande parte do Mar do Sul da ...
Economic interdependence as a pillar of international stability and peace
Africa, South Africa, Americas, Asia, world Bank, Brazil, China, U.S, IMF, Japan, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations

Economic interdependence as a pillar of international stability and peace

Global economic interdependence has emerged as one of the main pillars of international stability in recent decades. This phenomenon, characterized by the intense flow of goods, the role of NATO and the UN Security Council, capitals and information between countries, has been widely recognized for promoting peace by creating incentives for cooperation and reducing the risks of armed conflict. Economic interdependence, However, faces significant challenges in the contemporary scenario, raising concerns about its sustainability and possible impacts on world peace. Historically, economic interdependence intensified after World War II, with the creation of international institutions such as the UN, the IMF and the World Bank, which promoted economic cooperation and trade liberalization..
The accumulated tension in the current international scenario: We are on the brink of a third world war?
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Ethiopia, Europe, India, Will, Israel, HIM-HER-IT, International Organizations, Middle East, Central African Republic, Russia, Ukraine

The accumulated tension in the current international scenario: We are on the brink of a third world war?

The contemporary international scenario is marked by growing tensions that raise concerns about the possibility of a major global conflict., similar to the First and Second World Wars. To understand whether we are really on the brink of a third world war, It is essential to draw historical parallels and identify patterns that may indicate the repetition of destructive cycles. Among these patterns, the increase in xenophobia and geopolitical tensions stand out, that are present today in different parts of the world. During the First World War, Europe was immersed in a web of complex alliances and conflicts of national interests, which culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 and the subsequent declaration of war. in a way ...
The new OAS Parliamentary Assembly: challenges for Brazilian autonomy in the face of US influence
Americas, Brazil, U.S, OAS, International Organizations

The new OAS Parliamentary Assembly: challenges for Brazilian autonomy in the face of US influence

A Organização dos Estados Americanos (OAS) tem desempenhado um papel significativo na política hemisférica desde sua fundação em 1948. A organização, que visa promover a democracia, os direitos humanos, a segurança e o desenvolvimento na região, frequentemente se vê sob a influência dominante dos Estados Unidos. Este artigo examina a resolução GRS 3004 of 2023, que propõe a criação de uma estrutura legislativa semelhante à Assembleia Parlamentar da Organização para a Segurança e Cooperação na Europa (OSCE), e como essa iniciativa pode impactar a autonomia dos países latino-americanos, com um foco especial no Brasil. A resolução GRS 3004 of 2023 visa o fortalecimento da democracia na região, propondo a criação de uma assembleia parlamentar no âmbito da OEA. Essa estrutura legislativ...
Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity
Americas, Asia, China, U.S, Europe, France, UK, Russia

Reform of the UN Security Council: between hegemonies and the search for multipolarity

The reform of the United Nations, especially the Security Council, has been a recurring theme in international debates, intensified by recent conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine. Criticism of the reform proposal defended by the United States reflects concerns about the maintenance of hegemonies and the lack of global representation in international governance. The current UN Security Council system, created after World War II, gives five victorious powers — United States, UK, France, Russia and China — the power of veto, which often prevents the organization from acting effectively in international crisis situations. This veto power has been criticized for allowing these nations to block international actions, inclusive...
The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities
Americas, Argentina, Asia, Brazil, Chile, China, U.S

The Chinese rise in Latin America: tensions and opportunities

China's growing presence in Latin America has been one of the most intriguing geopolitical dynamics of recent decades. This increase in influence, marked by significant investments in infrastructure, trade and political cooperation, not only redefines economic relations in the region, but also provokes mixed reactions from other global powers, particularly the United States and the European Union. Investments and Influence China has directed considerable financial resources to Latin America, focusing on critical sectors like energy, mining, construction and technology. For example, in countries like Brazil and Peru, Chinese companies have invested billions in mining and infrastructure projects. These investments often come accompanied by conditions..
US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America
Americas, Argentina, Brazil, U.S, Mexico, Peru

US military biological activities: a new front of concern in Latin America

A presença militar e científica dos Estados Unidos em terras latino-americanas tem sido motivo de controvérsia e especulação. Recently, as atividades relacionadas à pesquisa biológica, realizadas por entidades como o NAMRU-SOUTH e apoiadas por empresas farmacêuticas estadunidenses, entraram em foco, suscitando debates sobre soberania, segurança e ética. Este artigo procura desvendar as nuances desse tema, amparado por relatos e análises veiculados por importantes jornais da América Latina. A expansão das pesquisas biológicas militares dos Estados Unidos na região tem gerado um debate acalorado sobre a transgressão da soberania nacional e as implicações para a segurança dos países envolvidos. THE "La Jornada" do México tem sido vocal sobre as implicações dessas atividades, questio...
Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system
Americas, Cuba, U.S, Europe, Will, International Organizations, Middle East, Russia, European Union, Venezuela

Monetary supremacy: US and European control over the global financial system

The dominance of the international monetary and financial system by the United States and Europe constitutes one of the most significant manifestations of power on the contemporary world stage.. This article explores how this joint hegemony has been employed as an economic weapon against countries that challenge Western interests., illustrating the impacts of this dynamic through concrete examples such as Cuba, Russia, Iran and Venezuela. In Cuba, the prolonged imposition of sanctions by the US, with tacit support from European allies, underlines the West's ability to economically isolate a country. The embargo, reinforced by international financial measures, not only severely restricts the Cuban economy, but also its ability to operate within the global financial system, obviously...
Military cooperation with Ukraine: a risky move?
Germany, Americas, U.S, Europe, France, International Organizations, Russia, Ukraine, European Union

Military cooperation with Ukraine: a risky move?

The recent intensification of military cooperation between the United States, Europe and Ukraine have been a topic of heated debate on the international stage. This collaboration, despite aiming to strengthen Ukraine in the face of external threats, carries significant risks, could lead to an escalation of conflict in the region. Besides that, the lack of an aligned strategy between the countries involved adds a layer of complexity and uncertainty to the situation. One of the main arguments against such intensive cooperation is the danger of conflict escalation.. Military actions, when they are not completely coordinated or are perceived as provocations, can lead to aggressive responses from other nations, especially from Russia, which sees the approach of NATO and the West to Ukraine with...